
Do you prefer to swim in a pool or the ocean?

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Do you prefer to swim in a pool or the ocean?




  1. The pool, where its nice and calm

    but for just hanging out i like the ocean , or lake

  2. pool because people sometimes use the restroom in it and fish do to.

  3. depending on where you go, the pool or ocean may vary on how much you like it. to me, the ocean is much more fun because the waves pull and push you. if youre in the water long enough, or on a boat long enough, you can feel the waves when you sleep. ITS AWESOME!!! also, depending on which beach you choose may also vary in how much you like it. the beach should have showers b/c if you're not close enough to a shower, and you decide to keep going to diff places, then you may get reeeeeeaaaaaalllllyyyy!!!!!! grumpy like me.also make sure the sand is not the kind of sand that gets stuck to you really easily and wont come off.make sure you are not near any rocky shores, b/c the waves could push u and you may hurt yourself on the coral. the temp of the water should be warm or cool so you will be comfy in the watr. if it is too cool, you may not enjoy it as much. make sure the beach is not crowded b/c that is reely annoing. costa rican  waters are awsome b/c the water is cool not cold, it is tropical, never really crowded, there are hermit crabs, lizards, and no seagulls, but you have to make sure that there is a shower near by. if you are going to go body surfing, make sure that you wear a shirt or your tummy will get hurt, the waves need to look BIG or it will be boring. if you go to the beach the bring friends, not too many, wear sunblock on all open skin, make sure there is a shower near by, and bring food. oh yeah, in the ocean, THERE ARE FISHY!!!!!!!!!!!!! go snorkling or scuba diving. beach parties are AWESOMRIFILISHIOUSLY FANTABULOUSLY FREXY(freaking s**y)!!!! make sure there are no predetors loke sharks and jellyfish,(they aren't fish though) and don't swim near fishing areas. trust me, 17 hooks are NOT FUN. also, dont try to take out the fishing hook with another fishing hook. i know. im a little more mature and think that pools are booring even though im only a 13 year old boy in NYC(im using my moms user) and i have a pool in my building.(not to brag). but you can make it fun by throwing a party. out door parties are usually more fun. you should invite around ten friends, have alot o food, and make sure you have plenty of music and things 2 do the pool should be big but not big enogh to lose your friends the whole party. i hope this helps. your cool geek nytwinbee. :)

  4. a clean pool.

  5. POOL i am scared of sharks and jellyfish lol

  6. Depends actually for me.

    Like I love going in the ocean in Hawaii, because its so nice there and the water is nice and warm. But where around I live, the ocean is cold and not as great as Hawaiin beaches.. So I tend to like swimming pools in Washington.. But if I had to choose, I would definatly pick the ocean.. Much better experience for me.

  7. Pool.

    That way I (usually) don't have to worry and be paranoid about getting my head bitten off by sharks.

  8. I learned to swim in the ocean as a kid..Spent most Sundays there during the summer..when my kids were little we went to the beach often..Then the pools took over...that became my choice.

  9. Pool. 1. Cleaner (most of the time =P) 2. Safer (Sharks and tough rocks and sand get into your toes...yuck.) 3. Can't think of one...but I by FAR prefer to swim in a pool. Preferably indoor. Plus, if you swallow the water, it's not all salty and gross and  probably doesn't have traces of fish poo in it.

  10. Ocean! you can swim, surf, snorkel, skim, scubba, body board, jetski...

  11. i love the beach. it feels more open.

  12. Ocean. I just like the feel when your in the ocean. It's like tropical! : ] But the water has to be warm so you can enjoy it.

  13. pool (:

  14. ocean !!

  15. Ocean as more of your senses are activated sight smell,sound.

    visual display,more options body surf,dive,swim further straight line,more space.

    Pools are okay for socializing ,training.but not much fun.

    Have a look at these ocean pools i am an Aussie,these are located at many beaches as we do have to share the ocean with other creatures,so they are a safeguard against attack

    and dangerous ocean conditions.

    edit sorry bud bottom site best

  16. Seeing as how I have a preference of not being eaten by a shark, I would have to say POOL!

  17. Pool

  18. Pool 1000 times more.

  19. pool there is not anything to get suck in your feet and u don't have to worry about cruuents

  20. pool for me i'm not swimming where there are bigger things then me in the water thanks lol

  21. The pool, it feels cleaner.

  22. if you ask me i would say its better in a pool because the ocean is more dangerous

  23. a pool because i feel safer, but i like the ocean because the waves are fun and surprising, but i prefer pool.

  24. The ocean, but it's really cold loll.

  25. It depends on everything that you want to do.....if you want to have fun with friends it is better to be in the pool but if you want to relax and enjoy time alone the ocean is better.

  26. I love em both, if I had to pick one I would go with the ocean though!

  27. Either is good.

    Probably the pool.

  28. ocean

  29. ocean...but thats usually not convenient...

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