
Do you prefer wearing contact lenses or glasses and why??

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Do you prefer wearing contact lenses or glasses and why??




  1. I hated contacts.  I had AC in all my classes back in freshman year, so my eyes were always teary.  And some mornings, my contacts would just be a terror and refuse to go in.  I even scratched my eye once.  So now, I have glasses, but I only wear them to the movies or in class.

  2. contactsss.

    but sometimes glasses.

    contacts are better because you don't have to worry about your glasses being.. well.. there. haha..

    but sometimes i like my glasses better because they are just more comfortable to me sometimes..

    but i have to wear either 24/7..

  3. contacts, they are easier to deal with and they dont hide your face

  4. i dont wear either,

    but if i could i would rather wear glasses...

    they are just like another accesory (if you have enough pairs) and you can take them off whenever you want to

  5. well it really depends, i have both glasses and contact lenses, i keep multiple frames for eyeglasses with different colors to go with my outfit. if the glasses don't go with my outfit i go for contact lenses.  

  6. I prefer contact lenses because the entire field of vision (peripheral vision) is covered and corrected, and also they don't fog up.

  7. They both have their pros and cons.

    I love contacts because it means I don't have to wear my glasses (which I feel are unflattering). Also, during the summer it means I don't have to deal with the extra sweat on my face usually caused by my glasses. At the same time, they're a bit annoying as sometimes they'll start to burn or they'll have something in them and irritate my eyes.  Also, when you get tired, you can't simply fall asleep in them. You have to take them out. (At least the type I have.)

    While sometimes I want to kill them, I must say, I really love having contact lenses and I completely recommend them.

  8. i perfer glasses cuz i wear them and im starting to see clear glasses lens cuz they ARE in style&& is like an accessorie&& addes a like class to every outtfit<333

  9. ii wore glasses for like a yearrr.. then switched to contacts... then colored contacts after like half a year !

    um i dont like carrying glasses aroundd and yep

  10. I prefer to wear glasses coz i can accessorized it...

  11. Contacts, but you still need glasses for cases of eye irritation, etc. I prefer contacts because I don't like having to keep something on my face constantly, and you can't wear sunglasses (unless they are prescription, and then you have limited choices). I like being able to choose when I can wear glasses, because it is fun sometimes (and good if you don't feel like getting as made up for a day), just not all the time.  

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