
Do you prefer your life to be routine and planned, or spontaneous and unexpected?

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Personally I love my routine.




  1. I am a creature of habit, I naturally like routine but feel guilt about it. I would like to be more spontanious but I like time decide if something is a good idea or if I should just stay at home.  

  2. never planned,crazy and randoms the only way to be.

  3. depends

  4. what is your rroutine? with my rapid cyclin phases im spontaneous and unexpected. works out for  me just fine.  

  5. Routine at the macro level (hour to hour), spontaneity at the micro (moment to moment within that planned hour to hour)!

    You get the best of both the worlds then.

  6. I like spontaneous and unexpected - there's nothing worse than doing the same thing at the same time, day after day

  7. I love routine!

    I hate change which is not very good, but its the way i was made!

  8. i have Asperger's so i hate change.

  9. dunno lmao im 14 and i fiind routine really borin and i get so bored wiif it then i hav too do something mad ansd random too spice it up agen lmao

  10. A bit of both.  If its continuously spontaneous I'd be exhausted after a while and totally confused - you definitely need routine in life with a bit of surprise thrown in!

  11. if you're talking about school, routine and planned.. but on a weekend, the spontaneous and unexpected is my way to go!

  12. i like my routine coz it keeps me grounded but i need to add a few things to it soon, one step at a time

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