
Do you prefer your movie theaters empty or full?

by Guest33969  |  earlier

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Do you prefer your movie theaters empty or full?




  1. Empty.

  2. empty so there's no fat heads blocking your view

  3. Empty. Then there is no one talking, no crying babies, no body on there cell phones. I love it empty

  4. Depends.  I never want it full.  Going to see The Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions was one of the bad sides of having a packed theatre.

    A small crowd is just fine with me.   Completely empty is a little strange.  I don't mind people's reactions to the movie.  Many times there are jokes that a lot of people just don't get and but you do and you can't help but laugh.  If anyone gets mad at you for that, they need to leave or get out more.

    A movie such as Tropic Thunder was enjoyable to see with a decent sized crowd.

  5. Empty, sometimes people laugh about anything, those f***ing teenagers and their f***ing cellphones, and well idiots who take their babies to R-movies. I would mention kids, but its not their fault.

    Although when its empty it makes me feel sad about the movie

  6. I like it Empty. There's no stupid kids yelling, no babies crying, and no annoying people in the bottom of the theater opening their bright-as-h**l cell phones.

  7. much release of bodily functions goin on in a packed house

  8. empty

  9. Somewhere in between.  If it's too empty, I wonder if I made a good choice in the movie.  Too full, & there is usually too much noise.

  10. Empty.

    I hate it when a bunch of rambling teenagers are all around me making out and acting like they are the only people in the world. It's inconsiderate.

  11. Summer action type movies full. It was great watching Batman this year with the theater full and everyone clapping.  

  12. Depends on the kind of movie and who you are with. Lets say, you see a comedy with your friends, a packed theater creates more interaction and humor. But if your seeing a scary movie with someone special, empty.  

  13. empty--i like to veg out and put my feet up! plus i hate when people keep talking throughout, its so annoying...

  14. Empty, so you can enjoy more.

  15. in between.

    not to empty but not to full.

  16. Empty, most people are annoying.

  17. empty except for me and whoever im with.

    its more fun that way and you can laugh or scream however loud you want without having to worry about the other ppl!

  18. FULLY FULL. i think its exciting to be there with all those other people who are there to have a good time just like me

  19. I usually go to matinees, if I can, becasue they are less expensive and have smaller audiences. I'm a Vietnam combat veteran and  I don't care much for crowded conditions, and I don't like to be surrounded by people on all sides. I'll sit next to a wall if I have to, but I'd rather watch a movie in a sparsely populated theater. Fortunately, many of the movies I want to see don't attract large crowds.

  20. empty!! way more fun when you and your friends are the only ones around

  21. Packed to the maximum. i love watching movies with a huge audience. Everything is always so much funnier or scarier or suspenseful when there are alot of people to react to it.

  22. with my family, full

    with my boyfriend, empty ;)

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