
Do you prepare most of your meals from scratch? Or are you more of the frozen and fast food type?

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Do you prepare most of your meals from scratch? Or are you more of the frozen and fast food type?




  1. Most night we actually cook food, but about once a week we do frozen chicken nuggets and fries for the kids.

  2. Only from scratch and only from quality ingredients. I'd rather pay for good food than medical bills for myself and my kids - much more fun for the money.  

  3. not frozen, but I do use some shortcuts in my "scratch" cooking like using pasta sauce from a jar instead of making my own or using tortillas from the store instead of making my own.

    Fresh fruits and vegetables are a must for me, though.

  4. when i have time, scratch... when i don't have time (which happens to be most of the time), frozen and fast food.

  5. Mostly from scratch.  I have too many family members who are either picky about this or that, or who have allergies and sensitivities to various things (okay, I'm one of those people).  Besides, I love to cook, all the chopping and measuring, and the wonderful smells coming out of the pan or oven....It's heaven.  I also love making things my family loves.  I do get kind of overwhelmed sometimes by family stuff that I take short cuts but almost never use pre-packaged stuff.  I put the baby in her high chair and give her a bowl, a spoon and some medicine cups with spices, salt, pepper, flour, etc. in them.  She measures and mixes right along with me as I cook.

  6. Both

  7. Mostly from scratch. I took cooking and baking classes in college and worked professionally in both fields. I like to make my own meals.

  8. to cook and it is healthier

  9. From scratch, it's cheaper and I know all the ingredients that's going into it.

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