
Do you prepare yourself for the worst when something bad happens in your life?

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or do you think positively?




  1. I live by "hope for the best, expect the worst".  

  2. My father once told me that whenever I'm in a bad situation,I should

    'Prepare for the worst and hope for the best',

    and to this day,that's what I do!

  3. if v know that some bad thing is gonna take place i feel like bad

    but v cant b prepared 4 it

    bcoz nothing is in our hands

    so leave it 2 one and only GOD

    b brave and face the bad

    thats all v can do

  4. the former

  5. you take it as it comes. pointless worrying about it, if its gonna happen, it will.

  6. how can you prepare yourself for something that you don't know will happen?

    stay positive in everything,,the difference between a bad and good day is one's personal attitude

  7. i prepare myself for the worst. you'll never know what might happen...

  8. no, i smile and wait for the bad thing to happen because im going down without a fight

  9. I think positively and take life with a smile, it's all we have.

  10. Plan for the worst and expect the best.

  11. I am a very positive person, so would never think prepare myself for the worst. I would think that out of this bad experience I am learning and something better is about to happen.

  12. Well I think I'm well balanced when it comes to this type of think and I try to prepare for all eventualities. But guess what I never can as the unexpected nearly always happens.

    Take for example after last year dealing with a car that was causing grief we had it repaired and sold it on in good condition only to find our new car has done nothing but give us grief too. And this after paying to have it checked over before parting with my money and taking all the necessary precaution and advice before buying.

    So how can you prepare for this eventuality? You can't you see it's life and in life the unforeseen things happens.

    So you have to learn to philisophical otherwise you end up be paranoid about every little thing.

  13. I try to kept a ray of hope and think positive or else I would drive myself crazy worrying!

  14. I do prepare for the worst without worrying.

    I prepare myself to react calmly and logical to adversary. I also prepare myself to walk with confidence and dignity even when I am beaten by life. After all, I also believe that when bad things are happening to me, many others are having it worse.

  15. i always prepare for the worst then anything else in a bonus  

  16. i am always preapred for the worst because where my life is concerned, its the worst that usually happens.

  17. being prepared IS thinking positively

  18. What happens happens... unless you can stop it from happening you just have to deal with it....  

  19. ..... when something like happens to me, I prepare for the worst mentally, it is natural  with me and I never get scared with somthing band and always think positively.

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