
Do you press down on the break when starting your car?

by  |  earlier

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mom my taught me this when i started learning to drive but nobody but her ever told me to do this. So do you have to/need to?




  1. You don't have to, but it is a good idea to!

  2. I do it just a habit i got into and new cars you have to press it to shift out of park any way

  3. you don't need to in an automatic, but in a standard its a good idea.

    I always do in my automatic car though, just incase something happens.

  4. No. Not unless you are driving a stick and don't want it to roll out of gear...

  5. I don't press it when I turn the key, but I press it when moving the shift from park to drive (or reverse).  Before fuel ignition, you sometimes used to have to give it gas when you started it.  But if you car is in park, then no, you do not have to press the brake when you start it.

  6. The handbrake should be on when you start your car so you shouldn' t have to put your foot on the brake.

  7. You should press the brake when starting the car b/c the parking brake may not be on, and the car can roll before you're ready to start moving. idk why no one else taught you that. my driver's ed teacher enforced it like it was a law....then again, it may very well be something that you're supposed to do.

    i hope that helps.


  8. if the car is in park when you start it, which it should be, then no,you do not have to press the brake when turning the key.  It is just an extra safety precaution.

  9. if you have a standard transmission and have no parking brake  yes you should press the brake but on an automatic no your wearing out your shoe

  10. Yes I do and it is a good idea to do it....

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