
Do you procrastinate?

by  |  earlier

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i.e. putting things off




  1. No, I have to do it now! lol.

  2. Yes! I'm procrastinating now when in fact, I have a test on Fri... =\ wish me luck.

  3. Yes, all the time... I've got 2 pages worth of french vocabulary I havent started memorizing and it's for tomorrow... I need help...

  4. I'll get back to you later. hehe

  5. yes i'm actually supposed to be doing homework right now.

  6. its why im still awake actually.

  7. nope!

  8. Yes, I procrastinate many times today.

  9. Umm ,yeah ,so ........................................... .

  10. never with school/work related...but the unnecessary things...sometimes.

  11. Ask me next week.  I don't feel like dealing with this right now.

  12. I'm sure thousands, along with me, are simultaneously doing it this second.

  13. I don't feel like answering...I'll answer some other time, maybe tomorrow.
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