
Do you pronounce the word "lol" or do you actually say "laugh out loud"?

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  1. Normally i would just laugh...out loud.... LOL~!

  2. LOL

  3. When I say it to my friends, I tend to say "Lawl" for lol, "lamow" for lmao, and "Roful" for rofl.  

  4. Never in person do I say "lol" or "laughing out loud". I just actually laugh. On the Internet I do use "lol" "lmao" "lmfao" though.

    Lol- el oh el

    Lmao- Luh-Ay-Mo

    Lmfao- No clue.

    Rotf- No clue.

  5. Lol.

    Laugh out loud just sounds funny.

    Except it sounds really dumb if you speak in IM.

  6. i say lol

  7. I and everyone i know say it like, if reading a message to someone, "dude he said L-O-L.. and that was it"

    like spell it out, el-oh-el.


  8. xD i say lol as well as my friends  

  9. "LOL" As in the beginning part of "lollypop"!

    Sometimes I don't even laugh, I just smile and say "lol", it's just easier, lol =)

    (It was kind of a joke between me and my friends when we were at school!)

    I never use LMAO or ROFL or anything like that... not even on MSN...

  10. I just use it as LOL

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