
Do you put the real rings on the ring bearer pillow?

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I read somewhere that you put decoys on the pillow so he won't loose them since he is a little boy. But then what is the point of having one? How does it work if you do it either way? Where do the rings go? Who has them?




  1. We let our ring bearer have the real rings on there and guess what?. . . . . you got it,they fell off!. which was fine because we all had a little laugh about it and then carried on.

    But, to be on the safe side,so you don't lose the real ones.I would use fakes.

  2. No, most pillows have rings sewn on already. You can alwaya have really cute friendship rings made and attached, then give them to the best man and MOH after the wedding.

  3. I don't know of anyone that has put the real rings on the ring pillow.

    The best man would have the rings in his pocket and he could take the fakes off the ring pillow and put those in his pocket and 'swap' them for the real ones.

  4. No, you don't.  Usually the best man holds the rings.  The point of having one is to include a kid in the wedding.  And it's tradtional.

  5. I've only seen the real rings used.  You just have to make sure they're tied right, so the won't fall off and that they're also easy to untie. Don't put the rings on the pillow until right before the ceremony, so if they do fall off you'll know right wear to look. (But if they're tied right, they won't fall off.) Also, make sure the little one knows not to touch the rings or mess with the tie.

  6. no, you don't wanna change them getting lost. i did not put any rings on my ring bearers pillow. real or fake. the priest still called him up to act as if they took rings off of his pillow. you could not tell if there was anything onthere anyway. my pillow had big bows on it.

  7. It depends on what your comfortable w/.  If the ring bearer is very young you can use fake rings and the best man and maid of honor would hold the rings,  If ring bearer is older you can use the real rings.  If you want to use the real rings w/ a young ring bearer you can sew the rings to the pillow with a small amount of string...just enough to hold the ring and still allow you to pull the ring off when the time comes.

  8. No. Never use the real rings. If you tie them too loosely, the may fall off. If you tie them too tightly, your service will be interrupted while someone rummages for scissors.

    Most people just do the ring bearer out of tradition, not necessity.

    Your best man should have them in his shirt pocket.

  9. I guess it depends on the boys age. Our ring bearer is going to be my 8 year old son and he's trustworthy with the real ones so this is what he's doing

    The ring pillow will arrive at the ceremony in the car with me, both our rings tied onto it. He will take it from me, walk down the aisle over to the Maid of Honor, she will untie the grooms ring...Then he will walk over to the Best Man and he will untie my ring... Then my son is going to stand with the guys during the ceremony.

    I guess if the boy is not real responsible or if he is young you could tie decoys on the pillow and just have the boy walk up the aisle and either stand there holding the pillow or sitting in the front row holding it.

  10. You can do it either way. The ring bearer can carry the real ones or you can use fake. If you use fake then the maid of honor carries the ring you are giving him and the best man carries the ring he is giving you.

    You don't have to have a ring bearer. The last wedding I went ot didn't but they had 2 flower girls. The point of having them is mainly to include a special little boy in your life in the wedding.

  11. O.o well i don't know! mabye the guy who is supposed to do the ceremony keeps it hidden in his tux?

  12. I was going to tie the real rings to the pillow, my son was 7, but at the last minute I changed my mind.  I went to Walmart and bought some fake silver rings for 1.00.  I used two of them to tie to the pillow then gave the rest of them to put on the reception tables.  My son put the real rings in his pocket and then handed them to the preacher when she asked for them.

  13. The pillows usually come with a fake ring, that way you the ring bearer (since they are younger) don't lose them.

    The point of having one, is just to include a person in the wedding.

    Usually the best man, and maid of honor hold the rings.

  14. I would never, never put the real rings on the pillow - can you really trust a five-year-old to keep track of thousand dollar jewelry? It isn't worth the risk. Use decoy rings.

    The best man can hold both of the real rings, and hand them to the officiant or to the bride and groom at the appropriate time during the ceremony. Alternately, the best man can hold the bride's ring and hand it to the groom, and the maid of honor can hold the groom's ring (I'm holding my friend's on my thumb, the bouquet will hide it!) and hand it to the bride at the appropriate time. Usually, your best man and maid of honor are old/responsible enough to be trusted to hold the rings for 30 minutes or so.

    People have ringbearers because they're traditional, because they have young boy relatives to include in the wedding, and because they look sweet walking down the aisle with the little flower girl. Some people don't have ringbearers at all. They used to carry the rings for real, I suppose, but I would not trust any of my little cousins with something as expensive and easy to lose as a ring.

  15. Of course we put the real rings on! They were tied on, so they were not likely to fall off. And its not like the boys were running around with the pillows before the ceremony. They were given to them right before the ceremony. They carried the pillows down the aisle. They gave pillows to the best man. He untied the rings and put them in his pocket.

    How are the rings going to suddenly disappear while walking down the aisle? Truly, I dont know why people are so overly worried about the rings. And, whats the point in carrying a fake ring? Dont people want to show off the rings?

  16. Yes, the actual rings are put on the ring-bearer's cushion.  If there is doubt that the youngster can manage not to drop them, they are pinned in place.

  17. Generally no, so that the ring bearer doesnt ahve the stress of losing the real things.  Have the maid of honor and best man hold the rings.  The ring bearer is more part of the ceremony and carried fake rings for show.

  18. nope the ring bearer doesn't have them the maid of honor your husbands ring and the best man would have yours.  and there really is no point in having one other than just looking cute.  i didn't have any boys that age for my wedding so i just didn't have one.  so its okay if you don't want one =) good luck

  19. I would,but make sure the one whose walking down the isle pays good attention to them.

  20. Usually someone in the family has an adorable little child that would be even more adorable dressed up and coaxed down the aisle carrying a pillow. This cute little child doesn't carry the real rings; but people are proud of him anyway.  So, it is more about tradition than the actual rings.  Most hobby stores/chain stores carry packages of gold or silver bands that  can easily be tied to a pillow.  Usually the maid of honor holds the groom's real ring and the best man holds the bride's real ring.

  21. No one wants to risk giving expensive rings to tiny little boys.  It is better not only to put fake rings on th pillow but to sew or otherwise fasten the rings to the pillow.  I have seen a 2year old ringbearer drag the pillow down the aisle like a teddy bear or something.  You can never be sure what they will do so you do not give them the real ring.  

    The best man carries the bride's ring and the Maid of Honor carried the groom's ring if it is a double ring ceremony.  Get something nice in plastic to put on that fancy little pillow.

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