
Do you put your most recent, or highest SAT score for college applications?

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Hey, for SATs (USA) would you put your most recent score for college applications, or the higest score?


Test 1- 1300

Test 2- 1200

Which score would i put? Also i heard that taking it more than a certain time, results them in averaging all your scores. Is this true, and at what attempt does this happen?

Cheers :)




  1. The colleges that my daughter applied to only took her highest--they didn't average it. I have never heard of averaging before, but you probably should check on the admissions website portion of the college you are interested in.  As far as which SAT's to put down...PUT THE 1300!!!  

    My daughter also chose to take the SAT's twice and ACT's once. As it turned out she did "better" on the ACT's (on the math portion for some reason).  

    Whatever you decide--good luck to you!

  2. You put all of them down and their respective dates.  You don't have a choice, really, on a lot of college applications.  You have to send your official score report (it has to come straight from the College Board) anyways, so they'll see all of your scores because the score report includes every time you took the SAT in high school.  

    No, although all schools have their own policy on how they handle repeat SAT testings, I have yet to hear of one that does what you've described (although there might be one, I just haven't come across it yet).  Instead, a lot of them either look at the most recent one, the single highest testing, or take the highest score for each section and add them up.  It's generally looked down upon to take the SAT more than two or three times, but it's not a specific mathematical disadvantage (nor do I believe that it is significant).

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