
Do you question John McCain's Foreign Policy Judgment?

by Guest64334  |  earlier

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McCain predicted Iraq would be a quick and easy victory, and even told MSNBC he had "no doubt" U.S. troops "will be welcomed as liberators."





  1. at least he has some foreign policy unlike obama which has none

  2. Not at all. Next question please...

  3. I question everyones Foreign Policy, especially politicians.

  4. McCain has no judgments except the ones dictated to him by the criminal Elites and big fat corps. Like war criminal bush and cheney he is a Corporate America's slave as well.

    I question the US entire Foreign Policy.

    It's old, obsolete, inhumane and barbaric.

    On top of all " It IS Not Working " any longer.


  5. Very much so, due to  his emotional instability, anger  and gung ho political style. As when he said Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Iran, or that he's ready to fight in Iraq until victory even if it takes 100 years. He's a real threat.

  6. I question anyone that thinks John McCain has the ability to make a “Judgment”.  

  7. Its going to be Bush the Third if he gets elected

  8. I question not only his judgment on an array of policies and issues (besides foreign policy) but also his mental competency/ emotional stability at times.  One day, McSame would come off as a sort of an aspiring despot (taking his bad temperament & apparent thirst for more war into account) while the very next day, he all of a sudden morphs into Mr. Magoo, forgetting something so basic & essential as his own assets & net worth.  (He also believes that Iraq & Afghanistan share a border & Czechoslovakia is still a nation.)  

  9. McCain is absolutely inadequate on foreign policy.  He believed Iraq would be simple, he believes the Surge was solely responsible for turning Iraq violence down, he believes Georgia is a victim in the conflict with Russia, and he believes China, North Korea and Iran should not be dealt with diplomatically - the same position Bush had 8 years ago which he wound up having to retreat from one by one.

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