
Do you question McCain's judgement?

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He met her (Palin) only once, she's being investigated, and her 17-year old daughter is pregnant, what else are we to find out? And she going to juggle dealing with Iran, Russia, Iraq and Afghanistan with a newborn herself!?!?




  1. I dont know. I think he is crazy. They are saying he picked her because the woman from Clinton supporters will now come support McCain. A butt load of c**p if you ask me. I think Obama just wont the race

  2. Dont forget about the prego teen. She's gonna need a blunt.

  3. I'm now wondering who he would pick for his cabinet members, and how much thought he will put into it.

    I think his choice for VP was very poor.  

    I am questioning, and starting to fear his judgment.

    I am independent, but this is steering me more and more to Obama.

  4. Incredible work ethic? LOLFTW? There are half a million people in Alaska, and the Feds (Dept. of Interior, Pentagon and Bureau of Indian Affairs) do EVERYTHING for the state government.

    Effin' eh, even Kwame Kilpatrick's Detroit has more than half a million people, and Kwame hasn't knocked up any teenagers that we know about, bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

  5. One thing that we do know about her is that she's a strong, experienced woman with an incredible work ethic.  She'll be fine.

  6. Obama is sounding like Carter everyday and we already know how Carter handled Iran and Afghanistan.  The Republicans have a better foreign relations staff.  Since Obama split the party, Obama is even using the same staff as Carter's since the former Clinton staff hates Obama.  Reagan and Bush Jr. leaned heavily on their staff to make decisions because the staff was good.  Palin would do the same.  Obama can't make the decisions on his own, Biden really sucks at foriegn relations and the Democratic staff will suck too just like they did for all the Democrats since WWII.

  7. I do. This is the biggest joke of all. He took Americans for fools by this poor choice.  

  8. I can't believe people think she's a good choice. I mean really can someone give a good reason that is not regurgitated from CNN or Fox News?  

  9. I agree with the he only met her once part being a bit questionable. But I mean when I found out she had a pregnant teenage daughter, it kind of made her seem more like a regular working mom who faces issues of her own. How man parents don't we have with pregnant teenage daughters? To question her ability to be a fit VP and mom is shameful. What about the women's movement. We want the same pay, the same opportunities. Are u implying a woman with kids isn't fit to be a President, a CEO, or anything that's usually occupied by a male? I'm not a Republican, but it's nice to see a woman having a chance at a position we'ver never held before ( and with a baby on her hip!).

  10. I question McSenile's judgment all the way back to Vietnam. He got shot down because he ignored his RHAW. He collaborated with the enemy while he was a POW. He cheated on his first wife even tho' she'd waited for him while he was in Vietnam. He married the second time for money and is nothing but a kept man. He got involved with the Keating Five. And now he picks Palin for Veep.

  11. Bush:dope



  12. As nervous and uncomfortable as he looked during the announcement on Friday, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that HE is doubting his OWN judgment.

  13. Sounds like a woman that NOW would be very proud of ! ! ! !  Ohh wait a minute, she's not a liberal woman they can't support her!  

    McCain picked a winner and the liberals can't handle it!

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