
Do you read self-help books?

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do you like reading self-help books? if yes what's the best self-help book you've ever read? some people say that self-help books make the person obsessed more about his/her problems. what do you think?




  1. no..

  2. Self-help is about exploring your obstacles and finding out more about yourself to strengthen your abilities to remove them.

    They don't make you obsessed, its more like the degree in which you chose to believe about your issues.  

    If you have issues and start reading self-help books, then you are actually adding to the positive way in handling your life.

  3. I've tried reading a few, but find them too preachy.

    Deepak Chopra has a few good ones which I have read half way though :)

  4. No, I abhor the genre.  

  5. I wholeheartedly agree with Anaise. Doing something to educate yourself about your personal obstacles is an active form of coping. Of course, anything can be taken to extremes, but that should not detract from the positive function it has for the majority of people. If it works for you, that's all that matters! If it doesn't... then "DO ONE THING DIFFERENT" (I'll qualify this quote in a moment).

    I think the "self-help" genre has begun to take on negative connotations, perhaps because there is a stigma for admitting you have problems/need help. There is a lot of cultural and individual shame wrapped around seeking help. But I think seeking help is one of the most courageous and adaptive things to do :) Personally and professionally, I read a lot of self-help books and psychology literature. By understanding and improving myself, I find that I can better understand, connect to, and help others.

    Some of the self-help/psychology books that have really changed my life outlooks include (but are not limited to)

    "Do One Thing Different: Ten Simple Ways to Change your Life" by Bill O'Hanlon (plus more from this author)

    "Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Terror of Death" by Irvin Yalom (plus more from this author)

    "On Becoming a Person" by Carl R. Rogers

    "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Spencer Johnson

    I highly recommend that people allow their curiosities to take them where they may. The process of understanding one's Self is so important; anything that faciliates that journey into self-exploration is an asset!

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