
Do you read seventeen magazine???

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Did you try the workouts in the mag? Did it work for you to lose weight? How much weight did you lose in how much time? THANKS!




  1. I read 17, but i don't try the workouts....and i don't like all the new people they are putting on the cover either...a couple years back they were doing so well!!!

  2. I just started reading Seventeen magazine again after stopping for about one and a half years, but since I only have a few issues, and none of the workouts have really interested me, I haven't tried them.  However, I have no doubt in my mind that they would work, because anytime where you're moving your body and burning calories, you are either toning up or burning a lot of calories--or both!

  3. I'd try reading Prevention mag.I know that it's for 30,40,50 yr old woman but they have really good work outs that do work, and weigth loss plans to keep track of how your doing.

  4. I read Seventeen but I don't do the workouts.

  5. yeah ive tried the workouts in the magazine, no by themselves they dont help you lost weight, they help flatten your stomach, make your legs leaner etc but you wont actually lose weight unless you moderate your eating habits.


  6. i love that magazine! but the workouts dont help... sorry.

  7. omg i love that magazinE!!!!!

    and yes i have tried them but im sorry

    to admit but im lazy and so i havent stuck to them

    for too long but im sure they do work cuz wen

    i did them it felt like a workout and i just felt better

    about myself.

  8. No

  9. Not regularly, but sometimes I do. I have my own workout moves so I don't follow the ones on the mag.

  10. um i tried but then i gave up haha

  11. ya i do, but i dont do the work outs :]

  12. no.

    but any work outs will make you lose weight if you combine with the right nutrition.

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