
Do you read to your child?

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if so what age did you start?

my girl is 1 on the 14th of this month, and ive only just started. ive tried before but she wouldnt sit up with me, she just wanted down to her toys.

what benefits - if any - are there of reading to her?




  1. We started reading to our son when he was about 5 months I s'pose and now he loves lift the flap books, touchy, feely books and will sit there for ages babbling away with them .. he is 1 next week.

  2. I have read to my daughter since she was about 5 months old.

    At times she would move away from me but I carried on reading and she usually came back.

    She loves her bedtime story even more now that she is 2.

    It is good bonding, and educational at the same time

  3. I think the benefit is they just think of it as something else to be done during the day, are familiar with books, and grow into a natural relationship with reading.

    To answer, yes I have read to all my children.

    I've been reading to the 15 m.o every day since about three weeks, in Spanish, English and Hebrew. (I duplicate books whenever I can, too, only because we are a multi-lingual home).

    Now, she picks up books and magazines -and anything- and 'reads' to me. Moves her little finger along the words and babbles away, then points to the pictures. She's got the idea, anyway :)

    I try to have my 1 month old in my lap while we read, too.

    Does he know what we're doing? I highly doubt it! But eventually he will simply become aware of books just like of ...his feet. That's how it happened with my others anyway.

    I personally believe it has helped with their attention span development (the older ones, not the little guy, no attention span there just yet!)- the 15 m.o will pay attention to books for up to 12-15 minutes- nothing else hold her attention like that just yet. Except perhaps yogurt, when she rubs it into her feet <sigh...>that seems like a fun time for her...  :-)

  4. I can not express enough how important it is to read to your child. They are now suggesting that you should even start while they are still inside your belly. It is never too late to start though.

    Reading to your child can expand their vocabulary and it helps bring closeness.It also helps them with understanding the concept of stories at an earlier age. Even if she wants to get down with her toys, still read...She can still be listening. I think it is a wanderful thing that you read to your daughter!

  5. My son has just turned 3 and we've been reading to him at bedtime for at least a year, once we got the whole routine thing nailed.

    It's a calming thing to do in the evening before bed.

    We read during the day too, funny stories and shapes, numbers etc... If you can get their attention and keep it for even 10 minutes, it's amazing how much information you can squeeze into their little brains!

  6. There are so many benefits of reading to small children - they learn to recognise words quicker, it improves their vocabulary, and it sets a foundation for learning (so that books aren't seen as 'boring').You could get her some baby board books(thick, chunky books) and even though she won't 'read' them yet, you can read to her and get her used to turning the pages from right to left.  

  7. There are lots of benefits to reading to your child. I started reading to my son when he was about 8 months old. He was beginning to read himself by 4 , just the odd word and now at age 11 has a reading age of 15+ and a terrific imagination and vocabulary. Aside from the educational benefits though its a nice time you can spend being close to and bonding with your child.

    Children today need more imagination to keep off the streets mugging and stabbing old ladies too ;)  

  8. You'll interest her in communication with you.  You'll create a routine which she will demand.  You'll help build her vocabulary.  You help her develop a creative mind.  She'll grow to love reading books which will help her later in life.  You'll also get in the habit of slowing down.  (It's really hard to do with a toddler, I have a 20 month old.)  You'll help build her attention span.  You'll help build her IQ.  You'll show her how much you love spending time with her.  You can do much of these things without books but some you can't.  

  9. I showed pictures to my son from the moment he could focus & then i read to him,when he showed interest (about 9mths) i had him pointing at pics & identifying them.He is 6yrs old now & has a reading age of 10,he adores books as i do & hes not forever in front of the tv,he has an extensive vocabulary and a terrific imagination,so i think its worth taking the time.

  10. I started reading to my baby when he was 8 weeks old. he probably didn't know what i was doing but i started his bedtime routine then. Gradually he started looking at the pictures, then touching the pages and now at 11 months old he turns the page on cue. Its so important for babies to help them develop their speech and they really enjoy it. Its great for bonding too. I recommend all mums and dads to start as early as possible, however if you didn't its never too late to start.  

  11. Absolutely. We read 3 little books a day or sometimes the same book over and over. He's 11 months. He has his favourites and brings them to me to read. I have read to him since he was born.

    Try board books with textures they can feel, flaps to lift and other interactive things like that. My boy has been turning the pages when I ask since 9 months.

    It doesnt matter if she loses focus after a minute or two, just come back to it or keep reading as she plays.

  12. She is just getting to where she will sit and actually listen to you the read the book. Mine was like that too at first but at 19 months she now sits quietly and really seems to be paying attention to the story. Sometimes she still grabs the pages, but oh well. :)

    It helps them develop language skills--vocabulary, etc. and I think that truly if you start them out early with reading being important in their lives they will grow up to be readers. My parents did this for me and if I go too long without reading a book I crave it. I feel like-because of this-my spelling and grammar is better than average and I think I got a little more on the imagination side too. :) Just keep trying, but if she really isn't interested give it a month and then try again. You know how they grow so fast even week by week when they are this young. Good luck~!

  13. ABSOLUTELY!!!  I tried to read to both my girls before the age of 1, and they didnt enjoy it until about 14 mo. or so.  At about 16 months, they have so much to do and see, the kiddos just wont cuddle anymore.  Storytime, gives me some snuggletime.  Plus, books are huge in development of language and cognitive thought.  My 3 year old LOVES movies, but if asked to choose between a book and a movie, she chooses the book everytime.  Warms my heart!  Be sure to get the classics -- Runaway Bunny, Good Night Moon, Guess How Much I Love You.  Have fun, and enjoy your snuggles!

  14. I started to read to my son when he was about 18 months old, he has picked up a lot of new words in that time and is beginning to say a lot more, he now says "fish, cake, flower, star, bear" his speech is becoming a lot more clear also, he tells me a lot now like when his plate or his cup is empty he comes to me and says "no more" or "all gone"

    there are plenty of benefits of reading to your child.. i started to notice within a couple of days with my son

  15. I started reading to my son regularly at a couple months old. I tried a few times before that but he would just fall asleep.

    There are lots of benefits to reading with your child. It's a wonderful way to bond. It gets them interested in books and that's a good start to lifetime learning.

    It helps them learn language skills. Everyday conversation also helps, but books provide something that that doesn't, in my opinion. I don't usually speak in complete, grammatically correct sentences all day long. Books do.

    You didn't ask, but at her age I recommend board books, cloth books, and books with different textures for her to feel. Picture books are great. Just name and describe each picture. Let her turn the pages any way she wants to.

    Good for you for reading to her! Have fun with it.

  16. We started with our son when he was just a few days old, we don't always read to him everyday.  It's nice to just sit down together and relax, especially now he's getting a bit more independent.

    If you start reading to a child early on in life they develop an interest in books for life, that's gotta be better than watching tv and playing on the computer.


  17. I read to my daughter every day.  She crawls away when she is bored and sometimes she tries to eat the book!  She loves the sing song sound of my voice as I read to her, though and will often try to turn the page for me. I adore reading and was reading Dickens when I was 7 years old so I want my daughter to get the same pleasure from it that I do.  I can't wait to be able to share with her the classic books that I loved as a child.

  18. I think any time is good but for under 2s it should be for bonding time rather than educational.

  19. I started when they were born really, well they were about 3 days old I guess.  I would read the little short baby books to them, one everyday and worked up from there.  They are 3 and 6 years old now and love for me to read 2 or more books to them.  The earlier you read to a child the more interested they can become in becomes and it increases their vocabulary plus it helps them actually learn to read faster  

  20. i started reading to my first about the same time shes 4 now she is very smart and loves books, we read all the time there are many benefits it gives you 2 time together it helps get them interested in books  

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