
Do you realise that obama/democrats are not socialists?

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seriously do any of you on here who cliam them to be socialists know what socialism is. i think not as i see most of you see it as identical to communism. how about you go and look up Party for Socialism and Liberation, socialist party usa and the socialist workers partys. then actually just compare other socialist partys around the world with democrats. then see how many of the views are the same. democrats are not even left wing you do know that right?




  1. Well, real democrats are not socialist.  They are not afraid of war (Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton), and the unions would LOVE to drill every single square mile of Alaska.

    Universal health care is seriously socialistic, and the litmus test is that it has failed everywhere it has been tried.

    So I would agree, and it is unfortunate the party has been hijacked by those with extreme views who think they speak for the majority.

  2. The Democrats are socialist. Their goals will not be reached overnight but they are working on it step by step while the sheep sleep. Obama is their pied piper, leading them by the nose with his pretty speech.

  3. We all know that but the things they want put into law are Socialistic.EG Universal Health Care. Peace

  4. I never got fooled and I'm liberal. Socialism does not work (literally)   McCain 08

  5. They are just trying to slander.

  6. Liberal policies lead to a more socialist government. Most liberals tend to be Democrats, and most Democrats tend to be more liberal than Republicans. You don't see the connection??

  7. ur an idiot!!

  8. Right, and Tupac is alive and Santa is real.

  9. You are delusional.  You may get your little libs to buy into your fantasy, but we only call them as we see them.  

  10. The Democratic Party in the United States is hardly even liberal. Obama may be the most liberal Senator based on his voting record, but that does not make him a socialist. Bush, McCain and the Republican Party are much further right than Obama is left.

    McCain is closer to being a Fascist than Obama is to being a Communist.

  11. sure. and frosty isn't a snowman...

    edit: woah black hat! christmas sarcasm is popular these days, huh?

  12. Well, they can't actually say it, but they ARE socialists.  Most Democrats today are, they just realize they can't actually use that descriptive term.  But their policy choices that they would pursue if there were no opposition shows that they are socialists.

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