
Do you realize Hillary cannot catch up of POPULAR VOTE?

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Do you realize Hillary cannot catch up of POPULAR VOTE?




  1. LOL!  Hillary is winning with the popular vote.  Obama is winning with deligates.  What news channel are you watching?

  2. wait till PA   If you count Florida and mich.   she is ahead now.

  3. What popular vote?

  4. Yes Hillary is loosing no matter what.

  5. yes, I realize it

    but then, neither can Obama catch up

  6. Do you realize that your grammar is terrible?

  7. Yeah! I just saw Jack Cafferty report that on CNN. He was quoting a "NewsWeek" article that says she can't catch Obama with the popular vote or the delegates(excluding the SUPER DUPER DELEGATES of course). So she cannot win the nomination if the rules are followed as they now exist.

    I think it's very interesting that, at this point, the media was saying that Huckabee should be dropping out; yet "Time" is now putting her on their cover and referring to her as: "The Fighter."

    Isn't it interesting, and very obvious, that the news media treats different candidates so differently?

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