
Do you realize Paulin has more administrative experience than anyone else on the ticket?

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Senators are contributors and input a % to the final vote, Governers are the top administrators and responsible for the outcome. Maybe that's why fewer presidents come from the senate. This senate experience thing was Hillary's best shot but it doesn't hold water. Being the ultimate authority for the great state of Alaska is a responsibility no one else on the ticket has achieved and she beat down Exxon Mobile in that capacity. I'm an Obama supporter but not because I'm blind, deaf or stupid. This is a woman of substance.




  1. Yes

  2. Agreed.

  3. By this reasoning, the only people in politics to seek high office should be mayors & governors.

    I do not buy the line that being a governor makes you more qualified, especially in the case of a person running a state with less people and infrastructure than the city I live in (Brisbane, Australia with a population of only 1.7 million but one of the largest city councils in the world) and a GDP way down the list of US states. Plus, she's only been in the job for a year and a half and the legislature sits for three months a year.

    The same people going after Obama on experience are trying to justify the experience of this person? Doesn't float.

  4. great question. Yes, she has more administrative experience than anyone else on the ticket. No doubt.

  5. Yep. A whole year and a half. Very impressive.

    She's a very quick learner, too. During that vast time she apparently learned how to effectively abuse the power of office, too.

    She sure was a great choice.

  6. Yes, Palin is a true fighter!!!!

  7. Sure! She is governor of a state that has a population less than that of Los Angeles! You call that experience? That is like being the class president of a high school! Hahahahahaha! Good luck with that one! haahahahaha! I can't believe you are all falling for this! I've never seen someone so desperate to win that he would put the future of our nation in jeopardy! I mean if he for some reason cannot be president then this soccer mom will take his seat? Oh yeah that makes me feel so secure and confident that our nation is safe! Hahahahahaha!

  8. Have you ever been up North?  Her biggest concern was whether or not is enough snow for the iditarod.  If you live in a city, your neighborhood might have more people.  Everyone in Alaska has the same attitude about oil.  They literally take you out back and shot you if you don't.  In Alaska, they are openly corrupt about what they do with oil money.  Politians actually say they belong to the corrupt b******s club.  

    Don't get me wrong.  She seems like a fighter.  and I prefer a doer to a talker.

    But Republicans chose her to try and get votes.  If she was exactely the same but a man, there is no way.  and they talked about Obama's foreign experience and executive experience.  If he was half a man, he would apologize for saying anything.  

    If Half zombie/Half puppet almost dead McCain thinks executive experience and foreign policy experience is important, he wouldnt put someone from the most remote place on the planet one heartbeat away from the white house.

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