
Do you realize people are only extremely nicer to you when..?

by  |  earlier

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it's your birthday, when you're sad or when you achieved something good? hmm... why?




  1. not really but i've notice people are nicer to rich people

  2. These things appear to bring out the nicer side of people.

  3. Nope.  People are nice to me all the time.  Maybe it's because I'm nice to  people all the time.

  4. also.....why are people in suit/tie ALWAYS treated with respect?

  5. i've noticed people are nicer to people who are dressed up nicely and are rich.

  6. I haven't noticed that they are so nice when u're sad... then they tend to think of you as being negative, etc.  Hey, that's Scandinavia, maybe.

    But like somone else here wrote: MEN are much nicer to YOU (woman) when u're "pretty hot".

    That means walking in miniskirt and heels.

    The days u're schlepping grocery bags in old jeans, they dont look at u, far less open the door for you.

    There ain't no justice...

  7. lol yea i guess ur right, i dont like it when people do that though it is patronising.

  8. they're also nice to u if ur pretty hot

  9. because those moments are different from regular moments. and yes ive realized this. but ppl arent even nicer to me on my birthday. :( i dont get birthday parties anymore. im 15.

  10. you left out when they want something

  11. So you don't feel bad at a time when you shouldn't feel sad or sadder.

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