
Do you realize that Obama is real chance for the USA and the rest of the world ?

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A French boy




  1. I wonder how many of the people providing answers have actually been to Europe, let alone lived there.  

    It's interesting that in terms of happiness, life expectancy, health care, and education, Europe could now be said to be superior to the United States. One decade ago that may not have been true, but today, the European Union has the world's largest economy, virtually everyone has access to health care (and believe it or not the wait isn't significantly longer than in the US in most circumstances) the Euro is stronger than the dollar to the point that cafes in Italy are offering a "poor" menu to tourists from the United States and in recent studies many European nations (especially Scandinavia) are reportedly happier on average than US citizens and have longer life expectancies.

    The health care factor alone is enough to tarnish this nation's happiness and well-being. Our citizens buy their medications from Canada because it's cheaper and they fly to South America to receive medical treatment they could not otherwise receive in the United States.

  2. Oui Oui Monsier

    non McSame a bush

  3. I'm sure you would love that French boy.

  4. Obama is the future, mccain is the past

  5. I fear that future because his policies will be the death of our country as we know it.  He pisses all over our constitution.  

  6. ok frenchy if you wanna pay the taxes and put up with the other bull **** like steeling from the rich, handouts for the lazzy, disassembling our defense  

  7. What? Not sure what you are asking? Are you asking if we are taking a chance by electing Obama? or He is our chances to get back world respect. Peace

  8. In a little over 230 years, America has arguably become the greatest society the world has ever known - Europe, on the other hand, has not - even given their centuries head start.

    Should not Europe be trying to emulate America instead of the other way around?

  9. Yeah, a real chance to turn us into another France.  High unemployment, rioting, high taxation, etc, etc. etc.

    No thanks!

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