
Do you realize that it's CLEAN AIR that is causing Global Warming?

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you are incorrect sir.




  1. Global warming is caused by environmentalist and their refusal to allow nuclear power production.  

    If the environmentalist keep going, their going to force us out of the cities and into the country like Pol Pot in Cambodia.

  2. Yes I did. The clear air is letting in too much sunlight causing the warming trend.

  3. NO it is propagated by Gore for money...

  4. You are incorrect.  It's CO2 that's causing global warming.

    Dirty air masks global warming by blocking sunlight.  Clean air doesn't mask global warming, but it doesn't cause global warming either.

  5. don't think so.

    how did it came to happen?

  6. global warming is from a variety of things, including

    car exaust fumes,


    the greenhouse effect (research that one),

    carbon dioxide,

    also, solar variation and volcanoes probably had a small warming effect from the pre-industrielized times to the 1950's and a small cooling effect from the 1950's onward

  7. How exactly is clean air causing global warming?

    I hate it when people just make stupid statements with no evidence to back it up.

  8. Yes I read the article. But its no surprise. When all the planets are warming up equally across the board it causes one to rethink the root cause of global warming. And its quite rational that cleaner air can cause global warming. The easier it is for sunlight to pass through.

    As for those blaming CO2 for causing global warming, CO2 is a natural green house gas. Nature gives off CO2 when plants die, animals live and die and volcano's erupt.

    See link below for cleaner air and global warming.

  9. It's a catch 22.  If it's cooler, they'll blame the sun-blocking aerosols in the air from pollution for that.  If it's warmer, they'll say "See, global warming caused by pollution!"  This seems to prove to me that it's a huge lie--especially since there's less pollutants and aerosols in the fuels we use today.

  10. No.  The increase in solar radiation caused by cleaner air is insufficient to explain the warming.

    Dirty air (sulfates, not soot) was masking global warming caused by CO2.  What this means is that the climate is actually more sensitive to CO2 than scientists thought.

    You can see what's going on in this graph.  Dirty air (sulfates) from about 1940-1970 was holding down the effects of greenhouse gases, and keeping temperature fairly constant.  As the air cleared, the effect of the greenhouse gases took over.

  11. Many believe that the past ice ages were created by dirty air caused by volcano eruptions or large meteor collisions.  Sunlight can't penetrate and the world gets cooler.

    It's also the theory behind the Nuclear Winter that was the "Chicken little" theory several years back.

  12. We were told air pollution, especially carbon particles, were blocking sunlight and causing global cooling.

    The air was cleaned up.  

    Now the same people tell us CO2 is trapping the suns heat and causing global warming.

    Look it up, people!

    Here is one example from the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

    Menon et al. 2002

    "In recent decades there has been a tendency toward ... moderate cooling in China and India while most of the world has been warming.  ... observed if the aerosols included a large proportion of absorbing black carbon ("soot") ..."

  13. Ridiculous. In order to understand the issues, it helps when one reads the entire article instead of just the headlines.

    Anthropogenic (man made) sulfur aerosols were masking the greenhouse effect by blocking some incoming sunlight. Reducing the concentration of these aerosols does not cause global warming, it just reduces the mask!

    Dumdum, of course there are less sulfur aerosols today. People realized that they were affecting the environment and causing acid rain. The global community took steps[1] to reduce sulfur aerosol emissions.

  14. Utter nonsense, Obviously you don't have a link to support this silly statement.

  15. what makes you think this?

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