
Do you really accpet it as a fact that feminists played a major role in?

by  |  earlier

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getting women the right to vote, to wear jeans, to work, to study sciences and go into whatever field they want want, to drive, preventing rape by husbands, etc?

Or do you think even if there was no movement called "feminism" women would have achieved all this as a general advancement in society and culture?




  1. I think women have played a major role in everything concerning men. Where would we be without mothers to raise us, and wives to support us in our endeavors?

  2. it is a movement, and we have deemed that movement "feminism."  feminists don't blame only social reasons.  radical feminists will cite the reason of so much inequality as patriarchy.  patriarchy is the system in which men are primarily heads of the house, make the money, rule the business, and lead the state.  a few female leaders who are still expected to be subserviant to men or are told that it's "natural" for women to cook and clean while the man relaxes is patriarchy.

  3. All change requires a movement.

  4. Of course.  Even if it wasn't called "feminism" at the time, doesn't mean it wasn't feminism.  For example, before the phrase "sexual harassment" existed, there was lots of sexual harassment in the workplace.  But, in looking back now on the sexual harassment that happened in the workplace before the phrase "sexual harassment" was coined--is it somehow NOT sexual harassment just because there was no name for it at the time?  Of course not.  

    Feminism is a belief in gender equality.  Therefore, any efforts to achieve gender equality before the term "feminism" was coined are, by default, feminist, even if the word "feminism" did not exist at the time.


    "I am not talking about people mindset regarding "gender equality". I am talking about feminist movement, who treat men (not the socio-techno-economic circumstances of the era) as the primary cause of gender inequality."

    You are mistaken in your notions of what feminism is, if this is what you think.  Feminism is merely being opposed to gender inequality and sexism.  That's it.

  5. There's really no way of knowing that. It probably would have happened, but it would have taken much more time. When has sitting around and waiting for rights ever worked?

    EDIT: Well, it worked in the U.S., anyway. You can't guarantee that rights will just be given to you one day.

  6. Yes, I do.

    There actually is feminism in the middle east.  Do your research.

  7. With all due respect, regarding your links. I feel like I am stuck in a continuous time loop.  :)

  8. I think there had to be a widespread movement to bring the idea to men that women deserved equal rights.

    I do not believe those rights were "taken" as some women seem to believe, so much as "given" by men. Had men truly been that opposed to equal rights, it would never have happened. It would have been as effective as people complaining about the gas prices is now...

  9. No I do not, the right to vote was achieved by the suffragettes and female patent holders predate feminism by over 100 years.

    The feminist movement had only one goal, to break the notion that a woman should be home with their children, because that would mean companies would even have to pay the "scum" salaries sufficient to support a family on a single check, something that was achieved through strikes early in the 20th century.

    Now we are back where we started and kids who are not monitored properly by parents turn out today the same they did back then. But yah we dont need everyone to hold a college degree, scum needs to breed more scum, so that we will have enough people unloading and loading what needs to be unloaded flipping burgers etc..

  10. I think the early feminist movement did help women recieve certain equal rights, mainly the right to vote. Because of that feminist movement and the achievements, the United States and Britain then became examples to the rest of the world, which is most likely the reason why such middle-eastern countries now allow women to vote. If those changes could come around without feminism, then why didn't it happen before the 1700's? Although France did allow women to vote if they were of a high enough standing in society, it was thanks to womens suffrage that the vote was extended to all people.

  11. True it could have been done just as well, if not better, if there was no title to it.  Or, even a more neutral title.

    Not only that, but we probably wouldn't have the ongoing slander and bias law making against men.

    As it stands.  It's like if you hire a group of people to clean up your yard.  They finished the job.  Then, they realized they had nothing else to do so they "cleaned" it some more by removing half of the grass and killing half of it that was left.  Then they went into your house and "cleaned" it, too.  By throwing away some of the things you wanted to keep and they smashed down your furniture so it took up less space.

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