
Do you really agree with Palin that the US attack on Iraq was a mission from God?

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Isn't that taking God's name in vain?




  1. So she believes the same as muslim extremists? Best of luck on your elections, you're gonna need it.

  2. It is difficult to determine when war would be a righteous endeavor given that leaders of nations are not Christian and could easily have ungodly reasons for going to war.  Nevertheless, war is an unfortunate reality in this world and it causes great destruction, misery, and loss of life.  It should be avoided if possible and undertaken only as a last resort.

        The Bible teaches that we have the right to self defense Exodus 22:2:  "If the thief is caught while breaking in, and is struck so that he dies, there will be no blood guiltiness on his account." The Bible also tells us to protect the innocent, Deut. 19:10, "So innocent blood will not be shed in the midst of your land which the Lord your God gives you as an inheritance, and blood guiltiness be on you." Also, see "Fathers shall not be put to death for their sons, nor shall sons be put to death for their fathers; everyone shall be put to death for his own sin," (Deut. 24:16).  If we were to apply these principles to war, I would conclude that war is justifiable when it is in self defense and/or when it is to protect the innocent.  Therefore, a Christian could rightfully engage in war given those conditions.

  3. If Clinton had done something other than send worthless protest to the U.N. all the while Iraq was Violating the U.N. Sanctions perhaps it would not have been nec to go to war, when we did, Perhaps if we would have finished the war in 1990/91 it would not had to happen.

    War for Oil ? Well, thats one of the causes for war, wars have been started of a Soccer game for that matter.

    You don't think that war over oil is ok, Well fine then, Pay $ 20.00 a gallon then and do not complain  

  4. The lunatics are running the asylum.  What's really terrifying is that she's actually a candidate.  It's very upsetting.  I have to wonder what's happening to this country.

  5. Gimme a break.  The invasion and destruction of Iraq was a greedy war for oil.  

  6. If that's what she says and believes, then she's crazy!  God had nothing to do with it.    The Iraq war is all about the "oil" greed...greed...greed.  

  7. It's both a war crime and treason on her part, or at least would be if she had participated in the planning and execution.

    If it turns out that Bush thought of himself as pursuing a Christian war on Islam when he launched that attack, he should be hung until dead.

    Superb (below) writes "were we not attacked first? I don't understand how you people keep forgetting about 9/11."

    I hope to h**l you're kidding.

  8. It was further to not completing the job properly when we booted them out of Kuwait City & if you saw the state of it you'd have wanted to kill them all in the first war not subsequent...

  9. The occupation was a ploy for US interests to promote world government, thinly disguised as human democracy of which will never solve equality for all. How dare they justify this attack and slaughter of innocents for their power cause and then attribute it to God. .

  10. were we not attacked first? I don't understand how you people keep forgetting about 9/11. And no Desert Storm was not about oil. If this country is going to proclaim that it is free and that ALL men are created equal, it must defend all those who want it. It was also a preemptive strike because of the lesson learned from World War Two. We are defending this nation from a foreign threat.

  11. Yes, Or it would not have happened, Is God not in Control ? Is stopping a Tyrant from Murdering his people with poison gas wrong ?? I think Not.

    Do you really think that if Hussein was to obtain a Nuke that he wouldn't use it ?

  12. gods plan my ***

    its the plan of crazy psycho's

  13. I wouldn't trust anybody who claimed God's sanction for everything they did, and if they had their hands anywhere near the levers of power I would be seriously worried.

  14. I agree that she fully believes it, and I believe she is completely, utterly insane. It is quite puzzling how few Gulf War vets know that Kuwait was a province of Iraq prior to World War 2. The British Mandate was not applied just to India. Draw up false borders, and war is what you get. And Kuwait WAS angle drilling into Iraqi oil. Let them fight it out. Not our business to support vicious kingdoms whose people are treated as badly as Saddam treated the Iraqis. When are you going to liberate Kuwait from the religious police, tough guy?

  15. WHAT?

    I didn't get a chance to watch it, but are you sure your not taking it out of context.

  16. What would you expect from a political party largely funded by the Church?

  17. I think a comment like that plays into the hands of people who say that wars are fought because of religion.

    God must be getting pretty fed up with all the people claiming to be fighting on 'His' side (Cue Bob Dylan Song).....

  18. It is not taking God's name in vain.

    God wanted our country to deal with Hussein years ago but the president didn't do his job.

    There are many factors for the decision to go to war against Iraq.  The 9/11 issue was the straw that broke the camels back so to speak.

  19. I'm surprised civil, rational people still believe such primitive things! It seems that history is bound to repeat itself, and I can't help but notice the similarities between today's politicians declaring that war is God's mission and Manifest Destiny/Imperialism, both of which used religious arguments to justify what turned out to be the subjugation of people.

    How do Christians describe God? They say God is love. Where is the love in War? No, there is self-preservation and keeping the peace in War (ironically), but it has nothing to do with God and everything to do with man. Using the argument that God has ordained war is a defense mechanism against the inevitable pangs of guilt and psychological unease that come with taking another's life. It's a projection onto the God image, an attribution of the most erroneous kind. The same argument goes for those individuals who believe God sanctions the killing of nonbelievers or religious rivals. Its in man's best interests, not God's. Ah the con IS man.

    In other words, War may be justified for man-made reasons, but Palin's assertion (if she truly said it) that the US attack on Iraq was a mission from God is highly suspect. Evaluate for yourselves, people! Do not rely on the privileged few to indoctrinate the masses. Question! Question!

    P. S. to answer your question, Yes I think it's taking God's name in vain. It's profiteering, it's a distortion, a manipulation. If God does exist, then surely this is not what God is about. I think Palin's mistake comes not from believing in God but believing she can impose those beliefs on others and use them to justify political action. That is a dangerous fallacy of any faith.

  20. Do you really agree with Palin that the US attack on Iraq was a mission from God? <<==No.

    Isn't that taking God's name in vain? <<==Yes.

  21. Holy Smokes. Did she really say that!!!

    Either God is mixed up, or she is. The original message was "turn the other cheek." Not "preemptive strike!"

    More on these mix ups on my bio.

  22. She is a dangerous "intelligent" design wacko , I think she is already kidding herself that God wants a war with Iran when in reality it is Israel which wants a war with Iran but wants the USA to fight it for them as they did in Iraq.

  23. It's absolute bullshit.

    Just more evidence of the fundamentalist republican's insanity.

    McCain plans to change the constitution to TAKE AWAY PEOPLE'S RIGHTS.

    A conscientious American, Christian or not, republican or not, cannot sanely vote for ol' Johnny and his crazy sidekick.

  24. lol NO no no no no no no and NO

  25. I have absolutely no sympathy for the deposed dictator in Iraq and I have no sympathy for the dead insurgents, however God does not favor war.  There have been many innocents killed.  Try to explain to them and their loved ones that this was a good thing.

  26. you really annoyed me now - i was hoping that you lot over the pond would eventually get someone with even half a brain in office.

    how on earth are you supposed to stop your international reputation slipping along with your dollar with people who believe utter c**p like that running the show.

    another four years then at least of people with nothing up top, up top

    you poor poor people over there in the USA. I'd emigrate if we had to have the equivalent of 'Americans United for Separation of Church and State' how can such an organisation even need to exist but it does.

    is there a way in the US to Vote to get some new people to choose between?  


  27. Of course! Jesus wants us to seize precious natural resources wherever we can and burn them up as quickly as possible!  

  28. no, because there is no god.

    as for saying something is a mission from god, then she is either

    a) a liar - suitable for office? i don't think so, or

    b) mentally ill - again, i ask, suitable for office?

    communication with 'god' or some higher being can be repeatedly reproduced in the laboratory by overstimulation of the hypothalamus (sp?). now either this god character loves science, or is a figment of a few crazy folk suffering from a form of brain epilepsy.

    ask yourself who gains from your belief in god, and i think you'll find that those with a vested interest in your believing itare the last to behave as if they do.  

  29. She's one of those people end up murdering someone and saying God told her to do it. It's sad when this sort of stuff happens

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