
Do you really believe in dooms day on December 21, 2012?

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idk if i believe it or not. but i saw the whole explanation of it on the History Channel. It scares me. :( im only fifteen.. i wanna live a life.. get married, have children, and graduate from college.




  1. No sane person worries about these nonsenses.

    Ignore it, just like all religious crackpot stupidities, and life is a lot better.

  2. Well, I'm 13 and want just like you want to do. I've heard about that before, and I don't think there's a doom day. My parent says that only God who know it, and Human can't. Don't too much to think about it.

    But, actually, because the earth atmosphere is decrease every year, maybe the doom day will be...Uhmm... I Don't Know Either...

  3. Did anything happen with the Millennium?? Don't worry about it, pray and live your life the best you can...thats all we can do!  I think its all a money scam personally but...people are gullible

  4. the end of the mayan calender doesnt end,it gets bigger,its extented.

    there are many times before this has happened. its not linked to end times.  nothing to worry about.  

  5. FORGET IT   They have been predicting exact dates of doom and gloom since the 1960's  NO-one can predict anything like that.  NO_ONE!!

  6. No. It's entirely possible that the world will end on that day, but I doubt it. Only God knows when the world will end (not even Jesus knows!).

  7. sure just like the 1990 one the 1999 one and all the thousands of others : THE APOCALIPS IS COMING! - exept it never does.

  8. no it is said because the aztec calender ends so should the worry it is just a crazy hypothesis  

  9. NO!  The Bible says that, regarding the End of Days "The day and the hour is known to no one, not even the angels, neither the Son, but only the Father." (Mark 13:32)

    That's all I need to know.  Anyone who tells you that he/she knows when the end of the world will be is trying to sell you something.

  10. My uncle said that there will be massive wars, crisis and etc around 2050 aka doomsday! I think i was 7 then. from then on I have believed that doomsday is on 2050. I always keep that in mind that there is not world after 2050.

    You are only fifteen, but I will finish my university degree in 2011. So No much fun knowing all the money is going down the drain.  

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