
Do you really believe in ghosts and all that.

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I always said I believed in supernatural things, but now that I actually really think of it, I dont believe in it too much anymore.




  1. I don't believe in the kind of ghosts that the movies exhibit, but I do believe in supernatural powers such as demons and angels.

  2. I really don't have a choice to believe or not. I was visited by a ghost in early life and that sealed the deal for me.

    I think the universe would be so freakishly dull without ghosts, or the possibility that they existed.

    I would like to know which Saints said that ghosts don't exist? (References?) The Disciples were educated Christians, albeit not perfect. Yet they freaked out to see Jesus walking out to them on the water, because they thought, alas, He was a ghost. Sounds like they believed in the possibility of ghosts to me.

  3. I do. I live in a city that was literally built on the dead. It is one of the most haunted cities in the USA. I live with a couple different "ghosts". Even though I have never "seen" ghosts, i have always been able to "feel" them. I have had paranormal experiences since I was a little girl. I can feel, smell, and sometimes hear spirits. My oldest memory of supernatural/paranormal happenings.......I was about 5-6 yrs old, and i had surgery. They had to sedate me heavily. I had an out-of-body experience, and I actually watched myself being operated on.

    Ever since I have had experiences, so I can never be an unbeliever.

  4. Yes... I absolutely believe in ghosts.  I seen one when I was a little girl and I can sense them around, watching.

  5. No I really don't. I used to try witchcraft by myself and with people who said they could make things happen. Nothing happened at all, and it was actually very boring.

  6. Yes.

  7. They are real.

  8. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  9. Thinking about them shows groundless beliefs are nonsense. Some of our saints wrote that dead people stay in their graves until Judgment Day, so all educated Christians know ghosts aren't real. I see on here that some people want to believe nonsense for some reason.  

  10. I do and Probably always will,

    some people told me it was stupid while others

    agreed with me on believing

    It really depends on what you grow up around, who you listen to, and what you believe!

    I'm sorry if this answer doesn't help you


  11. nope, I don't

  12. I believe in love ones are around us and we can talk to them. I guess how open you are depends on how you will see them or get their messages. Sending love to ones on the other side.  

  13. Yes I do and I always will.

  14. sort of i mean i've never really seen ghost, but their are way to many people talking about seeing ghost to say that their lying

  15. Somewhat.

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