
Do you really believe in skinny dipping?

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Do you really believe in skinny dipping?




  1. no way haven't got the figure for it and when i did have the figure for it i still wouldn't

  2. yes it used to be fun but now with all the polution,it's scary. swimming pools are cool and at hot springs everybodys in the nude.and like one of the guys who answered..yeah skinny dipping with one or more young ladies would be the Bomb-Bizzy,My Nizzle!

  3. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. I grew up in a very rural area and use to skinny dip all the time while growing up, and still do now with my girlfriend or when taking a dip in the river while alone (I'm 23). It feels great to be swimming "unhindered", especially in a private swimming hole that is only used by a handful of people (we have one at our ranch). Probably 70% of the people I know here have been skinny dipping at one point in their lives... it's just how we do it up here (Northern California).

  4. Absolutely!!!  We were born naked!  Nothing's worse than a cold, clamming, clingy bathings suit.  Be free!  Be nude!  Go skinny dipping!!!

    Barefoot Tex

  5. I don't believe it to be very good as it puts your body at more risk to aquatic organisms.

  6. yeah, you get a full body tan, but some shouldnt be allowed to go skinny dipping, ewww. if you know what I mean. It could be fun!

  7. At my pool at home I rarely wear a swimsuit.

  8. sure...what's wrong with it???

  9. Sure, why not... it's good, naked fun!

  10. as long as youre not fat

  11. I believe that 99% of humans' bodies do not need to be seen naked!  Ugh!  About 10 of us in the world are super models.  The rest of us have no business showing our "business."

  12. GO NAKED

  13. I wanna skiny dip with a hot young teenage girl

  14. whats to believe u either do it or u dont

    i do it all the time in the summer time  i mean who cares the water is warm

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