
Do you really believe that Russia attacked innocent Georgia?

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In reality Georgians attacked Southern Ossetia at night on August 7th, destroyed its capital and killed over 2000 in one day!!!




  1. ......check the news if you dont believe only not the russians as they write/broadcast what Moscow orders them to.....

    And why you consider, what NOT RUSSIAN mass media speak the truth???

  2. Yes and no.

    No, because Georgia was the aggressor and Russia had the right and was also necessary to send more troops as peacekeepers to the region.

    Yes, because Russia bombarded Gori, Poti and Tbilisi. I don't say Georgia was completely innocent. But Russia obviously did much more than a 'peacekeeper' and attacked Georgian territory outside the conflict zone.

    I think Russia did it, because was seeking the opportunity from long ago, it was just an ideal time for Russia to give Saakashvili a punishment for his anti-Russian policies.

  3. AND... do you really believe that AmeriKa attacked innocent Iraq?

    The reason was the same in both cases... OIL

  4. Firstly Vadim I strongly belleive there is so many innocent gonna die from both side at this pipeline war. ( I've read your answers, I agree u for some points )  actually war wasn't start at Aug.7th. If u wanna found first step u shout look at early 90's .. as u know this small - dirty - bloody war for the OIL&Politic Power  just like a America's did at Iraq. More than 10 year  we send weapon system to them, we paid well for pipelinepass and russia pissed of on it. What do u expect?

    But russia must stop now, russia show own strenght enough. Every single soul remember power of big bad bear who live at north. No more blood bath neccecery anymore.

    And yes, russian crush the georgian forces at ossetia at once .. russians kill the innocent ppl. with heavy guns like georgians and ossetians did .. If we talking about goverments noone innocent mate. Every single goverment had a agenda for claim someting, and guess what .. we paid this invoice .. we the ordinary people.

  5. The thing is that Georgia has problematic relations with S.Ossetia and not with Russia but if Russia supports those outlaws and separatistic rejime in the region, this is wrong. Russia must step out from the case and let the bilateral talks to held. It also must evacuate it's citizens from the area back to Russia i think.  

  6. South Ossetia is on the territory of Georgia, and Russia tried to provokate and take that conflict region from Georgia.

    on August 7 South Ossetians began to fire towards Georgian villages, thats where this confict comes from, South Ossetia was backed by russia and was not afraid to be involved in a war,,

    now Russiareally attached Georgia adn bombs Georgias territory, navy, strategic places, town and innocent ppl dies,,

    check the news if you dont believe only not the russians as they write/broadcast what Moscow orders them to  

  7. Because they want to be apart of Russia. USA was at the root of it.

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