
Do you really care about pollution?

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Do you really care about pollution?




  1. Yes, I hate brown air.  I used to live in Southern California and the only time you saw the mountains was after a rain.  That kind of air sucks.

  2. I do but life is so overwhelming with work and family and kids and keeping a house that I just can't worry about it.

  3. of course i do!where else would we live?



  5. Yes i do.I accepted the fact that today using fossil fuels or causing poluttion cannot be completely avoided.One always causes the burning of fossil fuels directly or indirectly.However one can reduce it to a least possible amount without harming oneself.I am a bike rider for most of my life.My main reasons for this are physical,financial and ecological.I stopped buying newspapers and magazines long time ago.I have never rode a car in my life.All the information i need i can find on the internet.I recycle paper,glass,plastic,aluminum and organic waste.I have special containers in my room for recycling materials which i take to the main recycling containers after they are filled.I do not trow garbage by the side of the road.Anyhing that falls from my pocket where it is not supposed to i pick up.Anyone can help the environment just by being a little less selfish.Man can do anything if he really wants it.There is no progress without sacrifice.

  6. in a way i do. i try to save on energy... like turning the water off wile i brush my teeth. but i think as humans we are to busy to care about pollution. with working 40 hours a week and taking care of business it is hard to realy try and save the enverment.

  7. I believe everyone should. If everyone neglects our Earth, it will be destroyed in the future. In order to take better care of the earth, you don't have to change your whole lifestyle. There are many little things you can do that will add up to a lot. Some of those include changing your light bulbs to fluorescent bulbs. Another easy idea is using less water and using the lights less for everyday things. If you are interested in really helping the environment, you can get into hybrid cars that use less fuel, and therefore produce less pollution.

  8. Only enemies of the planet would be in doubt of the answer to that.

    Every one who is a friend of nature and who has seen or knows the effects of pollution would most strongly advocate against any contamination.

    Why are you even in this category ,is it to bash Environmentalists

    Like a homophobic cruising the g*y category looking for targets.

  9. yes i do, things we do in our everyday lives may add to the pollution but its but so much we can do about it

  10. Yes.  I care.  Here's how I look at it:

    If someone came along and took a dump in my living room I would be pretty ticked off.  If they refused to clean it up and continued to add to the pile I would be red-faced angry... perhaps enough to harm the person.

    No matter how you slice it, pumping toxic air pollution into the air we breathe is like taking a dump in our living room.  

    There has to be a better way.  There's no reason for folks to bash people as "enviro-freaks" because they care enough to demand better solutions to managing waste.

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