
Do you really care what those "beautiful" people are doing in Hollywood?

by Guest63898  |  earlier

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Do you really care what those "beautiful" people are doing in Hollywood?




  1. F*ck no, I don't care one bit and I don't see why anyone else does. BORRRRRRRRING!!

  2. Not at this moment, no, I don't.

  3. Not really. Looks they may have now, will be gone in 5 years, and so will their careers, frankly.

    Beauty is only skin deep for most of those people. Sure, they are nice to look at.. but most of them don't live the lifes most of us lead.

  4. Nor really. But when they go crazy, like Britney, they're usually interesting to read about.

  5. I don't care at all. Why should I? They don't care about mines.

  6. Some of them are ok--but they really don't live the way we do.  Also, I don't think they are as beautiful as some of the common ppl out here.

  7. Nope

  8. Not at all

  9. i wish i was one of those beautiful people in hollywood to tell you the truth


  10. NOPE then beautiful people in hollywood aint lite up the world or my world.

  11. nope, not at all....

  12. yep, all the time

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