
Do you really expect the government to change no matter who wins?

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McCain or Obama, Democrat or Republican, just what do you think is going to change?

Do you honestly expect things to get better regardless of who wins?

We didn't get here overnight since government has been so inept and short-sighted in the past (regardless of who was in control) so why do think anything will get better?




  1. YES I DO! AND MONKIES FLY OUT MY.............!

  2. Since no one has a clue as to how to get jobs back into this country... NO!  

  3. I don't think it will. Government controls everything pretty much, just because we get a new "leader" doesn't mean that the government will change. Presidents change all the time, government decisions and power haven't changed for years.

    Its all corrupt anyways, they are both gonna lie just to be president.

  4. Maybe if Obama wins they'll be a change..but not mccain..

    but i vote for PARIS HILTON!haha

  5. It will change.

    Government will get bigger, more expensive, more strong, more intrusive, and we will be less free as a result. It will create 1,000's of new laws, it will continue its interventionist & isolationst (interventionism makes us isolationist because the world is mostly non-interventionist) foreign policy.

    That will happen no matter who wins, while the masses are choking on blabber about g**s, gas, and abortions.

  6. It will change no matter who wins, by default of our crumbling economy.

    Either much more aggressive policies that Bush has implemented with McCain, or a completely different direction with Obama.  

    In 5years, I suspect we will be a completely different country.  We'll either go back to the vision of our founders with Obama or we'll turn into the fascist corporatist direction we've been going where the disparity and concentration of wealth is devastating and we become the military/socialist arm of corporate America.

  7. I think things will change when the war is over. Things should change when we start drilling too.  

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