
Do you really feel that global warming affects your life??

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Do you really feel that global warming affects your life??




  1. Only because prices are rising because of the global warming fear mongering, convincing people to use our food supply for fuel and such. Aside from people forcing policy changes that diminish my quality of life and raise prices to all consumers I can't think of how global warming will affect anyone.

  2. yes, the efforts to combat perceived possible future global warming have driven up the price of everything from grocery's to cars & their fuel, including the price of postage stamps.

    it has also made industry in this country unable to compete with countrys that have less restrictive environmental laws.

    the resulting increase in unemployment has made me spend more time & money on home security to protect against all the unemployable people now prowling the streets.

    I now spend less time out interacting with society & more time at home because of perceived global warming.

    as for direct effects, my thermometers smallest graduation is 2 degrees. the climate has'nt changed that much in 150 years so there are no direct effects.

  3. Yes it makes me want to be more environment friendly! :D

    The news and everythihhng, is like an alarm in my head!

  4. not really

  5. things are going to change increasingly fast now. hopefully there will be the odd silver lining, for example, i am getting increasingly more time in the garden over the years, and a bigger range of things i can grow, but its not going to be good for a lot of people.

    this is just the start; ask us again in a decade.....

  6. No, apart from the fact that everyone keeps going on about it.

    It is not going to make a single bit of difference to us. And if the climate is getting hotter. Then why did we have storms last summer. The worlds going to die eventually so surely we are killing the species one at time, instead of letting them explode in however-many years.

  7. Yes, I eat food, and food prices have risen dramatically in recent years.

    The days of cheap food are over – and we had all better start getting used to it.

    The World's Growing Food-Price Crisis - TIME

    "Soaring prices of staples — which have risen about 75% since 2005, driven by growing demand, rising oil prices and the effects of global warming — have sparked riots in several countries, as people reel from sticker shock and governments scramble to feed their people."

    Fresh records for price of wheat- BBC News

    "Wheat prices have hit record levels as supplies dwindle, raising concerns about growing food inflation. Reports of a drought in Northern China, where most of the country's wheat is grown, also pushed prices higher. Extreme weather has already damaged crops in other parts of the world and US wheat inventories are expected to fall to their lowest level for 60 years."

    Warming may change the nature of the food we eat

    The Potential Effects of Global Climate Change on the United States

    "The effects of a warmer climate alone would generally reduce wheat and corn yields. Yield changes range from + 15 to -90%."

    "Dryland farmers in the Great Plains are particularly vulnerable to climate variability. The Great Plains States of Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas were the hardest hit during the Dust Bowl of the 1930s (Worster, 1979; Hurt, 1981). Yields of wheat and corn dropped as much as 50% below normal, causing the failure of about 200,000 farms and migration of more than 300,000 people from the region."

    As a result of declining food production, here's one possible scenario that the Pentagon has studied for global riots and anarchy in about 12 years:

    Already, according to Randall and Schwartz, the planet is carrying a higher population than it can sustain. By 2020 'catastrophic' shortages of water and energy supply will become increasingly harder to overcome, plunging the planet into war. They warn that 8,200 years ago climatic conditions brought widespread crop failure, famine, disease and mass migration of populations that could soon be repeated.

    Randall told The Observer that the potential ramifications of rapid climate change would create global chaos. 'This is depressing stuff,' he said. 'It is a national security threat that is unique because there is no enemy to point your guns at and we have no control over the threat.'

    Randall added that it was already possibly too late to prevent a disaster happening. 'We don't know exactly where we are in the process. It could start tomorrow and we would not know for another five years,' he said.

    'The consequences for some nations of the climate change are unbelievable. It seems obvious that cutting the use of fossil fuels would be worthwhile.'


  8. No, liberal politicians using it to advance their agenda, however, could cost me all of my personal freedoms.

  9. If it wasn't on the news, no one would even notice.

    It's tough to believe that we're the warmest now than in the last 100 years when every city in the north has had record cold and snowfalls.

    6 months ago, these believers told us we would never again have a white Christmas.

  10. Not right now as much as it will in the future. Soone, they're will not be as much fresh air as their is. But that's morepollution. The weather is soon to take a flip on us. Opposite tempuratures everywhere.

  11. No because AGW dos not exist, the fear mongering that a lot of people like al gore has perpetuated among the masses is whars ceating a lot of problems

  12. right now no, in the future, yes.

  13. Nahhh.

  14. freaks bother people and they are to nervous too live ~

  15. Global warming has to exist to affect anyone's life, and there's a larger body of proven scientific evidence to indicate it's not happening.

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