
Do you really get a $20,000 sign on bonus for joining the army

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and if you do when do you get it. and which one is better in your experiences, the marines or the army?




  1. It is possible if your scores are high enough and they want you bad enough. BUT MAKE SURE TO READ YOUR CONTRACT! if the signing bonus isn't in there, you don't get it and they will try to jip you out of it if they can.

  2. It must be really shiXXy in there for them to offer 20 thousand to enlist! Why put up with the nonsense and c**p when you don't have to? There is no draft so why would anyone want to enlist and put your life on the line for that pathetic sum of money! I know my life is worth much more than that! Imagine the kind of person that feels he or she is only worth that much! They really should offer more like 10 million to start and that's for a non-combat support job only!  Come on people you're worth much more than that, so don't settle for a penny less! Ever notice that as you go through each reenlistment they offer less and less although you are even more experienced than the new ones just coming into the system! This alone should tell you tons about this type of system!

  3. I would assume so if that is the going rate. Heck, I got $6,000 cash money back in 1985 for joining and got another $4,000 when I reenlisted for another 4 years.

    Not sure what it is now, but if they're offering a $20K signing bonus, that's what you get. You also get the college fund which either you or any family member can use. When I got out in the mid 90's you had 10 years to begin using it.

    It was a great deal and a great experience!

  4. yes, maybe more if you are selecting an in demand MOS.

  5. it depends on your MOS if you really get a bonus or not.  Most of the time you won't get your bonus all at once,  they break it down into a couple of payments.  the marines and the army are good for different things.  just depends on what you want.  

  6. Only if you can pry it out of McBush's greedy old fingers, after you have re-upped six times and done at least 4 tours in combat.

  7. it depends on your experiences or qualification, but the marines r better

  8. USMC over Army the army sucks(no offense guys ) the sign on bonus is there so get it and you can do as you please with the money...the reason i pick the USMC is that i grew up in a marine household my father ret as a cptn. my brother was a sotgi (special forces training group instructor) as well as a sniper in recon...the army i have friends in it that hate it with a passion  

  9. It depends on the job you signed up for.  It is possible, my husband only received a $5k signing bonus but he reenlisted for $42k.  It just all depends on how important you are to them.  Just know that you are not going to get it for a while though, they wait until after you have gone through basic and all your schools and/or training.

  10. prabably if you make it

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