
Do you really get free gifts with these sites....?

by  |  earlier

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It usually has to do with accepting offers of some type, but getting a free something-or-other by doing them. Are they legit?




  1. People seldom read the fine print. A few weeks ago a question several times came up about a free sample....was for hand cream.....Did a  search on rip-off and those free sample cost 9.95

  2. You can get plenty of free little samples and stuff from  

    Just click on newsletter on top search bar.

    Good luck!

  3. I have found that nothing in life is free. Especially stuff on the internet. After you sign up for the free gift, you usualy have to purchase something from one of the sponsors. I think that sucks. but it's the way it is.

  4. No.

    After you accept the "offers", they will start bombarding your credit cards with extra charges and you will end up financially devastated.

    These sites are almost always a part of a guerilla marketing scheme (scam).  

    The smart thing is to avoid them like the plague they are.

  5. sometimes, but they don't give you what you saw in the ads

  6. Most them are impossible to meet there status to get the item free, if it seems to good to be true, it probably is/

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