
Do you really know the crisis that the planet is in?

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If so are you vilified for your views? I believe that when history is written that the environmentalists will be seen as heroes and visionary. What can be more crucial but our planet's survival. We are the only species that can save the other species




  1. corse i do

  2. yes , i believe that we are in the stage that could lead to disasters in our world . but nowadays , the production of pollution will grow and the more our planet would be endangered. the environmentalists are there fighting for nature but they alone couldn't reach that goal when we all work together in protecting the environment all of us side b side could protect our planet.

  3. for some answers here we can see how selfish  some creatures are... sad... one day, all of them will realize how wrong they were... unfortunately... we need a fast change of minds and actions... time is running. it's not the case of being "alarmist", but "realists".

  4. no/

  5. Oh dear. They have brain washed you haven't they?

  6. What are you talking about?

  7. Yes.

  8. The planet is fine and always will be; it's people that will be going.

    and no, I don't care; I am not an 'alarmist'.

  9. A bit ,we got a few problems

    The biggest ones being ignorance ,complacency

    and poverty as well as dependence on harmful technology.

    Then there is a coming potable water shortage

    Water, Air and soil pollution.

    Animal extinction



    Loss of Arable lands

    Harmful Corporate agriculture

    Ethanol production

    Overfishing of the seas and fish do not reproduce fast enough

    Overpopulation in many poor regions of this planet.

    Poverty,Disease and starvation for many,(these people are in no position to have green philosophies.)

    Unwise and unhealthy living conditions (tall apartment buildings)

    And probably soon WAR as well

    too name but a few inter related items.

    Oh yeah Global Warming also want to play.


    i doubt it ,not enough people will try.

    Many cannot afford too,Others  don`t care ,some are more interested in Global control instead of global Warming.

    And there are those who see it as Gods problems to take care off.

    My thoughts are do what you can in your own back yard and community,just to keep the place healthy and clean .Just as you would treat your living room.

    Les hope lots of people do as well.

    But as a whole and generally speaking Humanity took a wrong turn a long time ago .

    To be truly effective the world populations ,

    should be less,

    Have a change of diet which means eating less products that are environmentally harmful to produce.

    Or concepts that involves treating animals like dirt.(which must be all the meat and fish)

    Totally go into alternative energies.

    Do away with the wheel and the internal combustion engine.

    Maybe invent anti gravity machines like they have in Star Wars.

    Live under the ground or under living roofs.

    And if the whole world did that ,we would have a chance of a human sustainable existence

    This is an impossible tall order

    The skies will be full of flying pigs before we are even a quarter into all that because civilization in general is too addicted to their technology.

    Although there are many small communities and individuals who manage to achieve sustainable living that is friendly to other life forms and the Environment

    Permaculture is one of those concepts.

  10. The main crisis on this earth is of water. Every year there is a shortage of water. scientists also tells that the third world war will happen for water only.

  11. i care .. but hey .. im not gonna live that long. lol

  12. Yes, yes, and I agree.  

    Most people don't have the first clue what we are up against.


    Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet, Climate Ark - Climate Change Portal,

    Leonardo, I admire your work promoting efficient light bulbs and hydrid cars. Clearly these are two of many actions people can take to help reduce global warming. But sadly, they are not ambitious enough to achieve the 60-90% emissions reductions necessary to stabilize the climate. The problem of global heating and associated problems of forest loss, ocean dead zone and water scarcity is so large that solutions to global warming and these other threats to global sustainability are not primarily going to be achieved through individual efforts. The problem is societal and needs bold political decisions to change the context that individuals live within - to give more options to live sustainably. My NGO Ecological Internet has a "Sustainability Solutions Initiative" ( ) which has come up with the following necessary societal steps to stop global heating and achieve global ecological sustainability. Your own environmental efforts Leonardo would benefit from more in-depth analysis of the problem and promotion of policies truly adequate to make a difference, not cosmetic feel good measures. I would suggest the most important thing individuals can do in their everday lives to combat global warming is to organize and advocate to achieve these policies:

    Top Ten Policies Necessary to Pursue Global Ecological Sustainability

    Following are the most urgent policy prescriptions necessary to maximize the likelihood of a habitable biosphere and minimize human death as a result of collapsing ecosystems. They are listed in order of importance. To have any chance of averting global apocalypse these sorts of policies must be implemented with all haste.

    No. 1 - POPULATION - Human populations surpass what the Earth can bear. We must stabilize and then reduce human population to at most a third current levels. Global limits must be placed on the number of children born, using incentives at first such as tax benefits for smaller families. Humanity can reduce population on their own accord or the Earth will do so for us.

    No. 2 - GREENHOUSE GASES - Abrupt runaway climate change is happening now as energy costs the Earth dearly. Greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by at least 70% as soon as possible. Maintaining an operable atmosphere requires phasing out coal and oil, introducing a substantial carbon tax, investing in renewable energy, and rigorously pursuing conservation and efficiency. No large-scale new energy systems such as nuclear or biofuel until shown to be environmentally benign in the long-term.

    No. 3 - PROTECT ECOSYSTEMS - Large, connected and strictly protected ecosystems over much of the land and sea are a prerequisite for provision of air, water, biodiversity, soil and other services upon which life depends. Large protected marine areas must be established, ending industrial fishing. And ancient forest logging must end, strictly protecting remaining intact natural habitats.

    No. 4 - CONSUMPTION - Excessive resource use to meet frivolous human wants must be restricted by promoting a consumption ethic that stresses voluntary simplicity and a sense of "enoughness", and laws that minimize impacts. Simple reforms such as standardizing consumer packaging and making all waste recyclable will reduce necessary consumption's impacts.

    No. 5 - AGRICULTURE - A transition must be made to sustainable agricultural practices and eating habits with the emphasis upon organic, non-GMO, low meat diets that are locally produced. Eating habits impact virtually all ecosystems, resulting in natural forest clearing, toxic food chains, depleted water, soil loss and reduction of ecosystems' ability to hold carbon.

    No. 6 - SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIES - Economic systems are a subset of ecological systems and as such all economic activities must maintain or expand natural capital. Growth that destroys natural capital is not sustainable, and growth as a measure of economic activity is an ecological malignancy. A steady state, sustainable economy must be business, industry and humanity's goal.

    No. 7 - GREEN TECHNOLOGY - Technology by itself cannot bring sustainability, but clean and green technologies are important and provide huge economic opportunities. There is tremendous potential for development of energy efficient, more sustainable and fully recyclable buildings, products and services (including hybrid cars and fluorescent lightbulbs). But the use and trade of toxic chemicals must end.

    No. 8 - ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION - Too many ecosystems have already been lost and diminished for humanity to persist. Achieving sustainability and preparing for post collapse societies depends upon targeted restoration of important ecosystems. Priorities for ecological restoration include watersheds, establishing ecological core areas and urban environments.

    No. 9 - POVERTY- Billions living in desperate poverty is unethical and damages the environment. All cannot live like Americans, but if the Earth's wealth is shared we can all live well. The focus must be upon the overdeveloped world living more simply, sustainable development, equitable and just political and economic systems, and green technology transfer.

    No. 10 - DEMILITARIZATION - Increasingly conflicts over resources fuel militarism and insurgency. Military budgets divert resources from crucial social and environmental investments, and must be slashed. Lasting security that is equitable, just and sustainable is best achieved through greater international law and investments that nurture global ecosystems.

    Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet, Climate Ark - Climate Change Portal,

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