
Do you really know who you voted for?

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This is in Canada, However those who are running for president here in the USA are wishing to do the same thing....Concentrations Camps are already in place as well as many other dark and very sinister plots against the American Citizens...We all need to be Concerned...

People wonder how in the world do these canidates get into office and then all they want to do is s***w us to death...Well my friends they get into office with your help, By not researching the canidates, Thats how the Master Controllers work..Its taken almost 75 years but slowly they get the people they want into office..just like now people don't know that the clintons are the ones who passed NAFTA, and look at the ones bowing down to Obama and he has a bill on the floor called the Global Poverty Act on line 87 of the bill it talks about gun and ammo ban.......But people don't see that part of the canidate thanks to the media. People you gonna get change alright but its not.




  1. yeah I agree people don't see the true include you

  2. The only reason I answer any question is because you look just like me. I thought I asked the question. Okay maybe your hair is a litle lighter than mine, but weird.

  3. That video (yes I watched it) is so out-of-date that it's unreal.  I don't know who made it, but that is NOT what it is like in Canada.  Reality check.  

    It's an awful story, but a year and a half ago, a crazy guy shot up a school in Canada, all with horrible guns that were registered and perfectly legal to own in Canada.  That was 2006, and the video was about stuff in 2000 or 2001 (a quote from the video was about "what will happen in 2001").

    The gun registry was mismanaged by a previous government.  Canada's new government is treating it differently.  

    Concentration camps?  Puh-LEEZ.

  4. any one home?

  5. what does earth look like from where you are?

  6. No.

    Don't think so.

    Only knows when they get kick on the butts and run out of town.

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  7. Hey! It's after New Year's Day. Tin-foil hats are out of fashion.

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