
Do you really learn more at Connections Academy?

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The school says you do, but next year or the year after that I want to go back to public school and I'm always afraid that I wont know as much as them and probably get held back.I kind of think you learn more because you have to do aboout 5 long lessons a day, live lessons, and I HAVE to keep my grades up.Plus, I really want to add anotherelective, but I'm still not sure that I'm learning enough.Help??




  1. Just because you do five lessons a day doesn't mean you'll learn lots. I unschool my kids. They decide what they want to do, if they want to use a workbook, if they want to do math, if they just want to go for a walk in the woods. They are still learning, without five lessons a day.

    I don't have experience with Connections Academy but couldn't any distance learning place say you learn more with them?

  2. i did connections and i could not keep up I was doing work for 10 hours a day and still could not keep up do IQ academy. being there i am way ahead of all my friends my age home schooled kids are more often then not ahead for are fine

  3. Like any other educational program, how much you learn depends on how much you apply yourself and study.

  4. Yes this is possible to learn more at Connections Academy

    Visit this site. Here u can get good information about Homeschooling

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