
Do you really like the person you are?

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Do you really like the person you are?




  1. even with my issues??   ya

    this question make me realize that every time :)))

    i may be a little messed up in my own head, but i know the person that i am. that's why i can give a  r e a l  answer. i don't feel the need to lie about that. no point.

  2. yeaa i do :)

    i like my looks AND i LOVE my personality :)

  3. aye !!!!!

  4. yes, enough not to need to justify to anyone.

  5. You just have to, because its not possible to physically exchange bodies with someone else. (:

  6. Yes..I LOVE me! Its the only way I can like other people.

  7. i'm not exactly sure who i am. i've got time to find out htough and ya know what i think most of the time i do and i try to improve myself so yes

  8. Who am I?

  9. yes

  10. I  think  so......whats  not  to  like.,I  am  GIFTED  and  BLESSED.

  11. yes of course....

    that doesnt mean i dont need improvement... life is journey...

    enjoy the ride..

  12. HA!


  13. no. i'm chubby, red haired, have freckles on just about every inch of me and....i'm hairy - in the 21st century, where everyone goes by looks, i'm an endangered species...

  14. Sometimes i cant find anything i like about my self everyday! It just depends.

  15. YES  I am the nicest person I know

  16. I have about 15 different personalities, not that I have D.I.D and I am none of them ultimately, they are just me mimicking somebody else usually, I like about 10 of those personalities, so I like the majority of the person I have made of me. That is of course from this particular personality I am mimicking today, if it was one of the 'lesser 5' then the answer would be different. Very changeable, that is the way perceptions work though, only one thing is constant, I am not my perceptions and the resulting personalities nor am I a person. I as a being of spirit, have by of my own choosing designated this body to experience this realm, and so this person I am, is not me at all, it is something I have really. I have my person, just like I have a big toe. I am of consciousness, a mind, never limited except by my own ignorance of my mind's power. Hope this helps.

  17. not always!

    but when i look at other people like my "friends",

    (who i really cant call my friends because they are either all over me or ignoring me when i come to their house!)

    I realize how im proud to be me! And i like me!

    I dont wanna be anyone else but me!

    i hope that felt kind of nice (i suppose its supposed to) hehe

  18. I like being me most of the time but i wouldn't like me if i was someone else.

  19. I don't even know who I am.

  20. i wouldn't say like, but i accept myself, good and bad, usually just the bad though. if i do good, i try to top it, but that is a whole other part.

  21. I hate hate hate hate myself

  22. It's weird, but my friends like a lot about me, however, i can't seem to like myself... Something wrong somewhere...

  23. I don't really KNOW me.

  24. Mostly, except for my faults.

  25. I'm about as funny as a whoopee cushion, and as grumpy as Jack Dee. I'm just happy to be alive.

  26. i guess. but no one really knows the real me. im either the happy cheery random girl or the moody one knows me as well as i thought

  27. yes, but i would love naturally red hair. and better luck and to be able to draw properly...

  28. God never created a finer specimen.

  29. no i want to be better

  30. not when i'm drunk. i can be mean when i'm drunk.

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