
Do you really listen?

by  |  earlier

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When someone speaks to you and you aren't in a talking mood(to lazy to talk)

do you pay attention to what there really saying or are you thinking of something else...OR are you actually looking out the window "day dreaming"




  1. I just say "ha, ohhh, begad....etc"

  2. Hmm....ah...LA2....Lalala2

  3. well i try to interact to get out of my mood

    but if i am really really feeling so i tell them :"just leave me now""

  4. Only if whatever the person is saying is boring then my mind goes elsewhere.  I start thinking about things I have to do or a conversation I had with somebody... and then sometimes, I remember something funny and then I start laughing and then the person whose talking looks at me like I'm strange and then I apologize and say, "I'm sorry, I just remembered something."  I know it's bad... but it does happen.

  5. Neither i try to concentrate by putting the headphones "Playing English Songs" ..but only jus on one side and the other ear is listening to the one who is talking

    In that way am elevating ma mood and pushing ma self to listen

    Kinda weird i know but that's me

    Watch out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. I try my hard to listen! because this person might really need someone to hear him/her. And if i lost some parts of the story i'll try to show him/her that i'm following.

  7. i pay attention no matter what and listen to him/her.

    if you tryed to fake it s/he will feel it and feel sad inside. if you are really tired just apologise and tell him/her we can talk later because i m really tired right now. but to be honest this is not good too, specially when this one is some close friend to you, or your borther and in a real trouble and need a shoulder to cry on.. so you should pay attention.


    @ some answers: please dont get offended, but this kind of "mm, yes, yes" does hurt your friends emotions, if it means something: it means you dis-respect him/her and have no interest in them anymore.

    how would you feel if a friend of yours treat with the same attitude of being bored from you?!!

    what is frustrating that this kind of answers got the most thumbs-up!!!

    i dont mean to be dogmatic, or to judge anywone but rethink your personal realtionships' values again. put some norms like "sympathy" and "compassion" in them.

    if you think you dont need "sympathy" now because you "think" you are "successful" enough or "populer" enough in your school, then you still need to engage in life experientially more.

  8. i listen to him and when he says anythin i say mmmmm :D:D

  9. im good listener  

  10. To be honest, in this situation i tell my friends how i'm feeling, they always understand so it's not a problem.  If it's a stranger i just tell them straight "Please forgive me but i'm really not in the mood for a conversation at the moment" That normally shuts them up! LOL.

    Thank you for the add!  x


    Fraspas' answer wasn't there before i started to type mine, that i so funny, must confess that has made ME LAUGH!

  11. i try to listen and postpone my daydreaming .

    it is religious to listen to a fellow human and relieve  him.
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