
Do you really need a car when visiting Cancun?

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Do you really need a car when visiting Cancun?




  1. i wouldnt advise getting a car, people drive pretty crazy there and the bus is cheap and runs 24/7, i wouldnt get a car for the duration of your trip but if you want to go sight see on your own rent a car from the hotel for a half a day or so. you can usually get a good deal.

  2. As a resident of Cancun the definitive answer car is needed. Public transportation is very inexpensive and readily available.

    I know cars are like cell phones and lap tops it is hard to imagine being without one for even a moment.

    You are on vacation try to leave it all behind for your whole vacation period...when you return to your home and job everything will still be there ticking along just as if you'd never been gone! Just leave your hotel number with the "important" people in case of emergency.

  3. can take the bus everywhere...usually around .65....

  4. No, not at all.  The buses run every three minutes. 24/7/365 and the cost is around 70 cents.  Why drive?

  5. That depends, do you want to see sights by yourself? Or just stay at the resort 24/7, also please note that most resorts DO offer guided activities outside the resort BUT for more than what you would pay if you were to go yourself, Then again safety is a problem in Mexico so i don't know if you want to be driving around unescorted.

  6. No you don't need a car while visiting Cancun. Fun to ride the bus. 65 cents US is all it costs to travel around in the hotel zone or go down town.

    If you plan on any excursions, your hotel can help you out with reservations and transportation.

    If you do rent a car, make sure you take out the Mexican insurance. It's in your best interest. Here are a couple of  websites about car rental and insurance. Read carefully.

    Good Luck and enjoy)

  7. no

  8. No, the busses are cheap! I cant remember how much but I want to say like 1.00 or so. Cancun is actually very small... Taxis are much more expensive you will notice it's about 10-15 per trip. We walked and took the bus most of the time.

  9. While I agree with what everyone is saying about not renting a car, I would only say if you would like to leave Cancun to do self guided trips that keep you out of the area for multiple nights, this is when you would want to rent a car. If you purchase a Cancun travel guide then you should be aware that the maps they provide are not very accurate. Therefore you will want to pick up area maps when you get down there.

    The pitfall to renting a car is that you open yourself up to all sorts of situations that you may not be ready for. Driving in Cancun's Downtown for example, can be quite chaotic. Once outside of Cancun however, it is pretty much smooth sailing. One major tip/point that I should pass along to anyone who plans on driving a rental car, besides taking out the full insurance plan available, you should remove any rental car agency stickers that are on the car. Recently I have read that police have been targeting rental cars for shakedowns in Mexico because they know the passengers are foreigners and easy targets. I know this has been happening for a long time, however, only recently the problem has been on the rise around the Yucatan Peninsula.

    I hope you have a great vacation,


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