
Do you really need a college degree to convince others you aren't stupid?

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Many a time, I've come across situations where people have written things like 'oh by the way I'm not stupid because I have a masters in blah.blah.blah'. Why do so many people feel compelled to say that? It gives me the impression that if you don't have a degree you are considered to be stupid by default.




  1. I am thoroughly convinced that college degrees don't mean d**k.  Life experiences mean a begillion times more than a piece of paper saying you can sleep through classes.  The people who make the worst Marines are the ones with college behind them.  Eventually, they might become decent but they're the ones I had to teach more.

  2. I know many people who don't have a college degree who are very intelligent people. I also know many people who have a degree and are complete morons. The people with the degrees sure have more of an education, however, a degree afterall only really specializes you in one particular area. Intelligence comes from many factors though, not just schooling.

  3. People say that because it boosts their credibility to show that they are educated in a particular field.

    Not having a degree doesn't mean that you are stupid, and having a degree doesn't mean that you are smart.  A degree is just an indication of how educated you are.  You can be very well-educated but have below average intelligence, you can be highly intelligent and and totally uneduated, or you can fall somewhere in the middle (like most people).

  4. I agree that a degree does not guarantee intelligence or even common sense; but as a teacher I worked very hard to earn my BA and MA and I and my colleagues get frustrated when the system allows those who without education to replace positions that are meant for trained personnel only so the public schools can save money...that may be the reason you hear those type of comments. Corporate America tells us we need these degrees and then they use us and throw us away

  5. It only proves that many people are educated beyond their intelligences. A college degree doesn't disprove one's stupidity, because stupidity has no boundaries.

    The two most abundant elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.

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