
Do you really need to clip the wings of my budgie?

by  |  earlier

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do ireally need to clip the wings of my budgie? pls tell me how exactly to do it... and with pics pls... should i be cutting all of them? should i cut the primary feathers on the wings' tips??

pls tell me how thanks




  1. I know you are going to get a lot of people saying that it is good to clip wings.

    Here is a great Article on full flight parrots.

  2. No you dont really need to clip them but for their protection i think you should! you might leave a door or window open and might ne the last time u will see ur little bird!

    If this is the first time you're clipping wings, please take it to an avian vet or maybe even a pet store specializing in avian care and products. Someone there may be experienced and they can do it for you and show you how to do it for future reference.

    If you happen to do it wrong, it could be very stressful on you and the bird and the bird may bleed. Since your bird is so small , losing even a little bit of blood to us is a ton of blood for them.

    but if you insist on doing it yourself please check out this site, it tells you exactly what to do with  a picture!

  3. Well you don't have to cut them if you don't want to. But if you think them flying everywhere is too much for you to handle then that is the best choice. I suggest you go to the vet and they will cut it properly, or go to the pet store and buy speacial wing clippers and cut it yourself. There really is no other way to explain it.

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