
Do you really need your passport to fly out of the U.S. or is it only to come in...?

by  |  earlier

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the thing is that...i've ordered mine ...i haven't gotten it yet ...and i need to fly out of the U.S....

(i was thinking of just having someone send it to me later.)




  1. You need to show your passport when you check-in for your international flight, you'll also need to show your passport and your boarding pass when you enter the security checkpoint area and most airlines will want to see it again as your boarding the plane. When you arrive at your destination, you'll need to show it at passport control or immigration. Sorry, but you're not leaving the country without a passport.

  2. My wife works for an airline.

    If you are going to fly on one of their international flights, and you don't have your passport, you will NOT be allowed to board the aircraft.

  3. yes you need it. you won't going anywhere without it. aslso when you get to the country you are going to thet will want to see your passport.

  4. You will need it. Don't chance it.

    Also, you can get an expedited passport for a fee. There are companies that specialize in this. My company uses CIBT.

  5. You need your passport to enter a foreign country.

  6. No, you HAVE to have your passport to leave and enter the U.S. If you tried to leave without it, you'd be stuck in the neutral zone of the airport until someone sent it to you.

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