
Do you really rely on the sirens or tv stations or noaa weather radio for tornado warnings?

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I personally don't rely on the sirens. They can malfunction and don't always go off and also don't tell you where the storm is headed.




  1. me and my family use the radios because we don't have sirens where we live.

  2. all of them. wich ever I notice first. I am not the on to seek shelter, I go out and follow the storm to report to the local nws

  3. I usually know bad weather is coming before the sirens activate, and make plans accordingly; I'm not one of those people who lounge around in blissful ignorance while the weather worsens. I monitor storms using both the TV and the radio.

  4. I rely on the TV or radio (ordinary radio stations issuing weather warnings) or my sinuses. No joke, I've never slept through a bad storm because before it even gets close enough to hear the thunder I can't breathe. We also have tornado sirens in our area, but by the time they go off, it's usually too late if it is coming toward you, or it's in another part of the city or county and does not really affect you. But I am glad we have the sirens just in case.

  5. The best and most effective way to stay informed and updated on any weather related issue is right here on the net. There are numerous web sites that regularly post and update conditions on a continuous basis.

    These sites also offer RSS feeds so that you may get the information sent directly to your E mail or your Home Page faster than you can receive it on the television or radio. The television and radio personnel get the information directly from the same source and so can you.

    For an example, The National Hurricane Center and the US Geological Survey among others, offer subscriptions to their mailing lists. Once registered these organizations will send you periodic updates of any threatening environmental conditions in your area as well as all around the world. You can also have them send you a direct feed.

    I myself have direct feeds being sent to My Yahoo from organizations globally to include the following:

    The National Hurricane Center

    The National Weather Service

    The US Geological Survey

    The Joint Tsunami Warning Center

    The Joint Typhoon Warning Center (Japan)

    The World Meteorological Organization  

    National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)

    National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA)

    All of the above agencies provide these feeds for the public and it is the same organizations television and radio receive them from.

    You can also receive them perhaps, before they do.

    If you would like I could show you how to do it. Just E mail me and I can direct you as well as instruct you as how to get started.

    Great question by the way!!

  6. NOAA weather radio is best.

  7. i rely on my intuition and my own instincts.  

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