
Do you really think John Campbell is a talented/professional TV presenter?

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Do you really think John Campbell is a talented/professional TV presenter?




  1. No, he is an annoying, bigoted, biased a*****e. He cannot present anything in an unbiased way (he is a right-winger), in fact, TV3 in general has that problem of being leaning towards National and skewing the news to always present left-wing politicians in a negative light (they are clearly a channel for the conservative working class who don't like large chunks of their pay being deducted to help less fortunate people). He has an extremely negative and condescending demeanour. One of the reasons I never watch 3 News or Current Affairs.

  2. There is NO john Campbell on TV in any state of Australia,unless he is the cleaner.

  3. John who?

    (The answer is no!)

  4. well he needs to stop talking through his nose!! lol. and he is one of those people that annoy you when they talk!

  5. I personally think he's a bit of a dork and I do not watch his programme much as his voice irritates me a LOT!

    I can't comment on him being talentend and professional due to the fact I chose to avoid watching him on most occasions.

  6. i think he's alright - better than that sainsbury dork anyway. He tries a bit too hard to be 'hip' tho. And i don't know what the person above me is talking about - he doesn't seem at all right leaning to me - and i vote labour usually. And bigoted? come on, he's one of the least bigoted presenters on tv in my opinion - but that's not to say he's not bigoted. it's all relative tho.

  7. Yes I do, except I'm watching Shortie Street at the moment! HAHA

  8. I prefer him to Paul Holmes. Talented... well compared to some presenters I guess he has skills. Professional, sure, he is just doing his job, and I think he does it well.

    I don't actually remember him being bigoted or biased, has he had some major overhaul?

    I actually have no complaints about him... what is your opinion of him?

  9. I don't know about talented ... but I think he's one of the better TV presenters in NZ.

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