
Do you really think half the things that are said about celebrities would be said to their face?

by  |  earlier

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Everything said on here and in gossip rags. Do you really think half the people who talk **** would ever say that to a celebrity's face instead of hiding behind a computer screen or magazine?




  1. na. Especially not the stuff said on here. Like I don't think anyone with any decent manners would go up to Miley and say "these are the 7 things I hate about you" or whatev. I don't think you Jonas haters would say half the things you've said here to their face. Seriously picture walking up to them and saying "when are you guys gonna come out of the closet" they'd probably call security on you. HAHA that'd be funny.

  2. ha good idea well im sure at least half of them do.. i hope the "****" about the jonas brothers or miley cyrus got to them. lol jk

  3. Depends on the person, some are to cowardly to do so.

    But i'm a really outspoken person so I most definetly would.

  4. nope

  5. Yes, they're people too with or without the label of celebrity. If you want to know I'll tell you.

  6. Nah.

    They are cowards. It's easier to write nasty things on a computer or in a magazine.  

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