
Do you really think men and women deserve equal prize money at the grand slams?

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As we all know momen's game is nowhere close to the men's game and girls please be honest with y'r answers!!




  1. I don't think so. The women's championship isn't as exciting as the men's. Moreover, women only need to win 2 games to win the title, whereas men have to win 3. Imagine a close match between Nadal and Federer where they have to play 5 games. That takes more than an hour!

  2. play best out of 5 and women best out of 3

    where is the equallity there?

  3. no

  4. YES. It should be equal.

  5. yes...both sexes spend about as much time on the practice court but it makes me angry to see serena williams be in horrible shape and not having played tennis in a long time and then come out and win the tournament because of the current state of women's tennis and make the same amount of money as federer or nadal who put all their time and effort into the game.. i also find it really ironic that at grandslams, where men play 3 out of 5 and women 2 of 3, there is equal pay but at the tier 1's or masters events where both genders plays 2of 3 the men make much more

  6. YES

  7. Tennis tournaments are going this direction.  I believe Wimbeldon has awarded equal prize money.  However, as people have mentioned, women's matches are shorter than men's, and only recently (probably because of Sharapova, the Williams sisters, and Ivanovic) did women's tennis draw well or get good ratings on tv (post Evert/Navratilova).

    The length of a match does make a difference in the tournament as a long, five-set match can wear a person down for the next match, and conditioning becomes a huge factor.  However, if the matches are as long, and as popular with fans, prize money should be equal.

    This is simply a business decision on my part.  Just like men's college basketball receives more money than women's, men's tennis generates more money, so players should be paid more.

  8. yes. all men and women are equals.

  9. Of course it should be.  We try just as hard as you guys to attempt the grand slam.

    And you've apparently never watched a pro softball game with women apparently...

  10. yes, women deserve the same rights as any man

  11. It's a difficult question. As a woman, I know that when women play 3 sets they are stretching themselves physically and mentally as much as men playing 5 sets, so in that opinion, they do deserve equal prize money. I know some men view this differently, but at the end of the day I would say yes they do deserve equal prize money.  

  12. i understand what you say, 'cause men tennis is so much better to watch and maybe men sell more tickets and all but i think women do deserve it, 'cause they may play 3 sets instead of 5 but they practise the same and work as hard as men to compete in the tour so they deserve the same money price 'cause they both work equaly hard.

  13. Momens? Lol.

    Personally I think prize money should be equal but I'm curious to know why you think the opposite. Would you mind explaining?  

  14. No, I do not believe that both men and women deserve equal prize money.

    If you are a fan of tennis, you watch tennis for either two reasons. To watch a competition between two players. Or you watch the game to see the highest level of play that can be humanly achieved, regardless of s*x.

    The men's tennis game is continually pushing the limits of the sport providing more excitement and entertainment for the game of tennis which in turn puts out more revenue for the sport.

    If females played best out of five sets, then I can't hold any argument for equal payout. Men do play best out of five sets and they put more time on the court to win these grand slams and for this reason there should be a distinction between prize money.

    Do you know of any tennis fan, who just exclusively watches the WTA tour and not the ATP tour? Most fans in general focus either on the men's and women's tour, or only just the men's tour itself.

    If you had to choose between the Wimbledon final between Roger Federer v. Rafael Nadal or the Women's Wimbledon final between the Williams sister, which would you choose?

  15. As much as I love the womens game, in fact watch them more so, as for equal pay, its a toss up really.

    In one aspect, the mens game outside of the slams for most part is the best of 3 sets now, which makes it the same as the women. The slams as we know are best of 5. Well why not make the women do the best of 5 as well? I mean they used to do that at the season ending championships. If anything I think all 4 slams and season ending championships is when it should be best of 5, this wat the winner out right deserves it and proved it. More interesting matches this way as well. Though the womens game has progressed and early round matches arent givens anymore, it really doesnt get interesting until perhaps say the 4th round. To have them play much less and earn same money as the men, well, its kind of iffy. I would more so agree with it if they went to 5 sets, but not totally against it right now either.

  16. no because they dont play nearly the same length of a match... and theres practically no room for a comeback in a 3 set match

    The men play 3 of 5 and women play 2 of 3 obviously the men deserve more because they play longer and bring more revenue b/c men and women will watch the mens especially the kids and its almost only women watching the womens

  17. Well, womens matches  are shorter so no.  i'm not being sexiest, it's just the truth.  They do not deserve as much money as the men because they play shorter matches.  (Yes, the men could very well play 2/3 and the women could very well play 3/5 however now it isn't done that way)

  18. I say no because girls play in 2 sets and men play in 3 sets girls should have a smaller prize of money.BTW pls don't get offended  


  20. what is the grandslam?

  21. With equal prize money awarded at the slams, the men now work harder for the same amount of money. Explain to me how fair that is ????

    I say best of three sets for the early rounds at the slams for both men and women. Then best 3 of 5 from the quarter finals on.

  22. YES... in spite of the mediocrity of  play in the women's tour these days... if only because it is incredibly sexist to give unequel prizes based solely on the player's gender...

  23. Haha, well, your judgements are a tad sexist, but yes, I definitely think that would be fair...

    Yeah? Yeah.


  24. Yes, they do! It's not their fault that they are not as strong.

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