
Do you really think new york is gonna be under water in 50 years??

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i am really scared cuz i live in N.Y and i am sooo scared!




  1. the world is going to end in only 4 so no.

  2. No

    If you are scared the global warming people have done their job.

  3. to me i dnt think so and dont worry 50 years is long time but its a chance becauseof the stuff the water will be rising and new york will be sinking like claifornias island................its ok

  4. The Greenies should be happy about the prospect. Think of what wonderful artificial reefs the skyscrapers will be.

  5. no big loss

    who would miss the home of the people that cause global warming.

    come to think of it many of the rich that own the companies that cause global warming live in places that will be under water

    could not happen to a better group of people.

    all us hillbilly's are going to set in front of our TVs, drink beer, and watch the bubbles as it sinks.

  6. If we continue at the current pace, it can only get worse.

  7. There's an equal chance you'll be under a mile thick sheet of ice.

    Stop worrying and live.

  8. You have 50 years to get packed so dont worry too much

  9. In Britain a parent was upset that they were showing the movie an inconvenient truth in schools because there were many errors in the film.  So he went to court to try to be it banned from schools.  

    A judge found the were nine points in the film that were lies, and not backed by science.  New York being under water was one of them.

    So do not worry.  Sit back and relax.

  10. Considering the previous scare was that the glaciers would have covered it by now...

    The "models" that have been used to project the climate change are flawed. The known fact in both scenarios is that man's influence is miniscule compared to the normal climatological changes that Earth undergoes constantly.

    Ice ages have come and gone and will come again. Whenever you hear Al Gore and the rest blaming man's activities just ask yourself one question: What kind of SUV did the wooly mammoth drive?

    Climate change is real. Man-made global warming is a myth.

  11. Yes, because global warming has already started, all the Ice caps are melting causing the water level to gou. since ny is near the ocean, it would most likely flood. sorry that your going to have to move in fifty years

  12. One can hope....but it would have to happen quickly.  Last thing I want are all those Yankees moving south!

  13. If we actually keep warming, even at worst most extreme alarmist predictions you have a couple hundred years to go.

  14. I don't see why not, you can walk out of NY State in 50 years, meanwhile....

  15. Yep. I live in New York too, just stay away from the coasts and away from most rivers that can overflow. Now the scientists are saying something about 5 years......

  16. Where did you hear that?

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