
Do you really think that John McCain wanted Sarah Palin as a running mate or was he forced to .?

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Do you really think that John McCain wanted Sarah Palin as a running mate or was he forced to .?




  1. Because she was the best choice.

    She will be the next VIce President of the United States.

    McCain/Palin 08

  2. He picked, Rove and the Republican Establishment were pushing Romney.

  3. He couldn't have Lieberman, as he wanted, so he reverted to nature. He got annoyed and got out his darts and a map. He's impulsive. Isn't that what you look for in POTUS?

  4. I think it was the Republican party that picked her. Newt Gingrich even went so far as going on the Daily Show and said he was championing her months before she was picked.

    I'm pretty sure that he wanted Lieberman, and maybe getting stronger support from women's groups (due to his pro-choice, equal pay stance), and shoring up his weakness on the basic understanding of the war in Iraq.

    But Palin represents a new face on an old, failed NeoCon policy (overturning Roe v. Wade, school vouchers), and that excites the NeoCons because now, they got a mask of change. And behind that mask is George Bush.

  5. I think Gov. Palin was a compromise/hail mary pick.  Sen McCain wanted Sen Liberman but the conservatives and Karl Rove bawked at that.  Karl Rove and the conservative wanted Romney but Sen. McCain hates Romney.  So I'm sorry to say McCain went with wild card pick.  Someone to satify the conservatives,women and the added bonus of being eye candy.

  6. McCain is well into his 70's with a history of bad health.  Who knows why he picked her.  She put Pit Bulls in a bad light, and if McCain dies she will be our President,  I might be an idiot, but a woman with five children and the family issues she has, there's not a lot of time or room on her plate for our Country.  Any woman worth her mettle will chose her family.  Where does that leave us?

  7. Well, you'd hope that he was forced seeming he'd only met the woman once or twice before. If he based it all on those very short occasions, then that's not saying wonders about him.

  8. Clearly he has poor judgment, or else someone with a chance would have been picked, like Romney or even turncoat Lieberman.

  9. I've heard the "talking heads" say that he actually had wanted to have Joe Liberman (the democrat who actually spoke in his favor at the RNC), but that his party base would essentially toss him out if he did.  As such, he went for another "maverick" that is a younger, female version of himself that was still conservative enough for the "traditional" Republicans to stick with him.

  10. He wanted her.

  11. He was forced to...... he was forced by Obama. I'm sure he would have preferred Lieberman but the only way he has a chance is with Palin. He realized that and made his choice.

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