
Do you really think that aliens are living amoungs us or wacthing us..plz link for an idea of proof.?

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Do you really think that aliens are living amoungs us or wacthing us..plz link for an idea of proof.?




  1. Ha!--------- you found me out! Don't tell anyone that I am here!

  2. Because of the vast distances in space between stars and the fact nothing can exceed the speed of light. The probably visits by aliens is extremely low. There is some evidence that suggests the building blocks of life came from space. So, we could be aliens!

  3. There is no acceptable scientific evidence that aliens have ever reached the Earth, period. You're lucky because, if they had, they'd probably mark you for elimination because of bad spelling!

  4. Yes..I live on a farm.. I have seen plenty UFO's..

    but no aliens..Keep you updated!

  5. I doubt that they are

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